Osho Quotes and Sayings
- My sannyasins have to live freedom, yêu quý, thiền, phúc lạc. Hai lựa chọn thay thế này có sẵn cho người đàn ông.
- It is only through meditation that you will be able to understand what I have been telling you. It is not a question to be decided by argument, it can only be decided by your own meditation, your own understanding, your own awareness.
- See the uniqueness of yourself. There is no need to be unique; you are already unique, just as everybody else is unique. You are unique in your ordinariness, in your suchness.
- Reduced to a simple principle, the whole philosophy of all the awakened ones is: Unconsciousness is hell, consciousness is heaven.
- When you are witnessing you are not thinking that you are witnessing. If you are thinking that you are witnessing, this is not witnessing at all, it is another kind of thought. If the witnessing is simple, there is no thought of witnessing at all. If the thoughts are just passing in front of your vision and you are witnessing them, and no idea arises in you that “I am witnessing,” then it is pure witnessing. It is not a thought at all, it is a state of no-thought, vô tâm. You are simply reflecting whatsoever is passing by.
- To be a monk or a nun is very easy, but to love and not to be jealous, to love and not to be possessive, to love and let the other have the whole freedom is really a great achievement. Only then will you feel love and its fragrance.
- A very sensitive person in this stupid world is bound to become mad. He has to learn the art of meditation otherwise he is bound to become mad. Only meditation can save him from becoming mad.
- Dropping the mind is becoming open. Meditation is an effort to dismantle the wall brick by brick. Sannyas is a decision that we will behead ourselves and we will start living as no-minds. We will function from a state of not-knowing, because only then are you innocent and only then are you open. And that’s the really scientific attitude, the scientific approach towards life.
- Only an unhappy person pretends to be happy. A happy person has no idea even that he is happy, he is simply happy. Others may think that he is happy; he has no idea. He is simply just being himself.
- Try to understand why you are constantly hankering for goals, and in that very understanding meditation will arise in you, meditation will flower in you.
- Enough is the moment unto itself. And that is the way of meditation: enough is the moment unto itself. Living the moment in its totality, in joy, diving deep into it without holding anything back, là hạnh phúc. Getting rid of all goals — worldly and other-worldly, material and spiritual — one knows the taste of meditation. It is the taste of absolute freedom.