Osho trích dẫn về chứng kiến ​​và thiền định

Báo giá Thiền Osho

  1. What is the quality of religiousness? Phẩm chất của sự tôn giáo phải được tập trung vào việc bạn làm chứng. Từ đó chứng kiến ​​một nhận thức tuyệt vời nảy sinh trong bạn; the spring comes to your life and thousands of flowers of compassion, của tình yêu, of blissfulness. All around the fragrance of the ultimate surrounds you.
  2. Remember only one quality that buddha has. That quality is witnessing. Whatever is happening, chỉ là một nhân chứng, không được xác định. Bạn không phải là cơ thể, bạn không phải là tâm trí, you are not the astral body. You are not the silence, you are not all those flowers that are showering on you. You are only a witness. The witness is the very being of a buddha.
  3. This witnessing is the ultimate experience of life because it opens the doors of miracles. The first miracle is, it makes you aware of your originality. It takes away all the dust that has gathered upon your mirror. It washes away all thoughts and leaves behind only the original man.
  4. In that witnessing your Buddhahood will become more and more powerful. Witnessing is the nourishment for your Buddhahood. And the more powerful your Buddhahood is, the less anxiety there is. The day your Buddhahood is complete, all anxiety is gone.
  5. Remember only one thing, which is eternal in you, and that is the witnessing consciousness. Just witness everything. Cơ thể không phải là bạn — nhân chứng. The mind is not you — nhân chứng. All the experiences that are happening to youthe great silence, hoà Bình, niềm vui, sự ngây ngất, you are a witness. You remain always above and beyond. This beyondness, chứng kiến ​​này, is your real buddha dharma, your authentic nature, your divine individuality.
  6. Your witnessing consciousness is just existential. It is here. And if your meditation does not bring you to this state of watchfulness, it is a false meditation. If it brings you to any god, you are befooling yourself, you are dreaming.
  7. This is your buddha-nature, beyond the body, beyond the mind. Just a watching, just a witnessing is the buddha.
  8. Nhớ lại, the logical mind is continually going to deprive you of the right direction. The right direction is bound to be that you will become less and less, because all that is false will be understood as false. A moment will come when you will know that everything is false. You are just a witness, at the most, a point of witnessing. But this is only half the journey. Before knowing the truth, one has to know the falsebecause we live in the false. So we have to know it, we have to drop it, and we have to be empty of the false, hoàn toàn trống rỗng, so that the truth of our being can fill the space. There will be a gap, a very small gapbut it will look like eternity.
  9. Remember the constant mirroring that goes on twenty-four hours within you, silently watching everything. Chậm, slowly clean itthere is so much dust on it, centuries of dust. Remove the dust. Và một ngày, when the mirror is completely clean, those moments of witnessing and not-witnessing will disappear; you will be simply a witness.
  10. Tâm trí của bạn là một luồng suy nghĩ liên tục, và nó luôn luôn là giờ cao điểm, ngày trong, ngày nghỉ. Thiền có nghĩa là quan sát sự chuyển động của suy nghĩ trong tâm trí.
  11. Just be an observer, as if you are standing by the side of the road watching the traffic — không phán xét, no evaluation, không lên án, không đánh giá cao — just pure observation.
  12. As you become more and more accustomed to observation, a strange phenomenon starts happening. If you are ten percent aware, that much energy has moved from the mind process to the observer; now the mind has only ninety percent energy available. A moment comesyou have fifty percent of energy. And your energy goes on growing as mind goes on losing its energy. The traffic becomes less and less and less, and you become more and more and more. Your witnessing self goes on increasing in integrity, expanding; it becomes stronger and stronger. And the mind goes on becoming weaker and weaker: ninety percent observer and ten percent mind, ninety-nine percent observer and only one percent mind. One hundred percent observer and the mind disappears, the road is empty; the screen of the mind becomes completely empty, nothing moves. There is only the observer.
  13. Thiền không phải là tâm trí, và tâm trí không thể tạo ra thiền định. Thiền đang thoát ra khỏi tâm trí, trở thành một người quan sát tâm trí, chứng kiến ​​tất cả những thứ đi qua tâm trí — những mong muốn, trí tưởng tượng, suy nghĩ, những giấc mơ, all that goes on in the mind. You become simply a witness. Slowly slowly, this witnessing becomes stronger, becomes more centered, bắt nguồn từ. And suddenly you understand one thing: that you are one with the witnessing, not with the mind; that the mind is as much outside you as anything else.
  14. Sannyas is not a question of doing: it is a question of awareness, hiểu biết, observation, chứng kiến.