Osho trích dẫn về giáo dục | Tầm nhìn của Osho về Giáo dục Đúng đắn

Osho trích dẫn về giáo dục

  1. Tầm nhìn của tôi về một nền giáo dục đúng đắn là dạy mọi người cách phát triển bản ngã và làm thế nào để có thể từ bỏ nó; làm thế nào để trở thành những bộ óc vĩ đại và sẵn sàng bất cứ lúc nào để gạt tâm trí sang một bên. Bạn sẽ có thể chỉ cần đặt tính cách của bạn, cái tôi của bạn, tâm trí của bạn, bật và tắt, bởi vì đây là những thứ tốt nếu bạn có thể sử dụng chúng. Nhưng bạn nên biết cơ chế, làm thế nào để loại bỏ chúng. Ngay bây giờ bạn chỉ biết làm thế nào để mặc chúng vào.
  2. Give your children your love, but don’t give your ideologies. Don’t make them Catholics and communists; that is poisoning them. Don’t make them Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists; that is very destructive. Give your love, give your loving nourishment, and give them strength enough to inquire who they are, what this reality is all about. Give them every support so they can go on in life with an adventurous spirit. Then you are helping them; then you are really educating them. Ordinarily, whatsoever exists in the name of education is nothing but mis-education. Real education is helping the person to be himself. It is possible only if you love the person for his own sake, for no other motive. If there is a motive, your love is contaminated. Then you are not a real father or a real mother.

  3. Education means drawing your inner being into expression in your living, your day-to-day life. Your honesty, your love, lòng trắc ẩn của bạn, should come from your inner being, not from teachings and scriptures, not from rabbis and bishops and shankaracharyas and Ayatollah Khomeini.

  4. Một nền giáo dục thực sự sẽ không dạy bạn trở thành người đầu tiên. Nó sẽ cho bạn biết để tận hưởng bất cứ điều gì bạn đang làm, không phải cho kết quả mà cho chính hành động. Cũng giống như một họa sĩ hoặc một vũ công hoặc một nhạc sĩ….

  5. Một nền giáo dục thực sự sẽ không dạy bạn cạnh tranh; nó sẽ dạy bạn hợp tác. Nó sẽ không dạy bạn chiến đấu và đi đầu. Nó sẽ dạy bạn sáng tạo, được yêu thương, được hạnh phúc, mà không có bất kỳ so sánh với khác. Nó sẽ không dạy bạn rằng bạn chỉ có thể hạnh phúc khi bạn là người đầu tiên. Đó là điều hoàn toàn vô nghĩa. Bạn không thể hạnh phúc nếu chỉ là người đầu tiên. Và khi cố gắng trở thành người đầu tiên, bạn phải trải qua sự khốn khổ đến nỗi bạn đã trở thành thói quen để trở thành người đầu tiên.

  6. Trên thực tế, the moment a child is perfectly conditioned by you, you are very happy; you call itreligious education.You are very happy that the child has been initiated into the religion of his parents. All that you have done is you have destroyed his capacity to know on his own. You have destroyed his authenticity. You have destroyed his very precious innocence.

  7. You will be surprised to know that your education is against intelligence. Society needs imitators. It wants you to be good in memorizing, not in becoming intelligent. It wants you to become good machines, not beautiful people; efficient machines, but machines all the same. It needs you to function well, but it does not want you to be more conscious. Then you would start saying no to many things; you will not be so obedient.

  8. If this goes on for as long as it doesin schools children are sitting for five or six hoursby and by they are dulled, their intelligence is lost. Every child is born intelligent and almost ninety-nine per cent of people die stupid. The whole education dulls the mind.

  9. There is nothing like education. All your education simply makes you capable of worrying about situations everywhere in the world, about everyone except youabout all the troubles that are in the world. They have always been there, they will always be there. It is not because you are here that troubles are there. You were not and they were there; you will not be soon and they will remain there. They change their colors but they remain. The very scheme of the universe is such that it seems that through trouble and misery something IS growing. It seems to be a step, it seems to be a necessary schooling, a discipline.

  10. The education that exists in the world is not true education. True education will be a help towards enlightenment because it will make you more meditative, more silent, ý thức hơn, more inward-looking. The education that exists in the world makes you more ambitious, outward-looking, more egoistic, more superficial. It gives you all kinds of wrong values. It is a kind of poisoning. It does not help you, in any way, to be yourself. It is destructive. It helps you to be somebody else, and that’s its very destructive foundation. It is a poisoning, but so slow that you never become aware. It begins the day you are born and it goes on slowly slowly destroying you, distracting you from your nature.

  11. In the coming century the whole education system is going to be totally transformed and changed because of the computer. It will be stupid to teach children history, geographyunnecessary, there is no need. All that can be done by a computer; the child can carry the computer. And my own observation is: the less you depend on memory, bạn càng thông minh hơn. That’s why it happens that in the universities you will not find very intelligent people. Professors, chancellors, vice-chancellorsI have seen many, but it is very difficult to find some intelligent person there. You can find more intelligent people in the farmers, in the gardeners, in the villagers. And the reason is clear: because they are not knowledgeable they cannot depend on the memory. They have to respond to reality, they have to respond to challenges, they have to bring their consciousness to respondtheir consciousness remains more sharp. A farmer, a villager, is far more wise than a professor in the university. The professor can depend on the memory, the farmer cannot depend on the memory.

  12. The basic education is missing. The first thing to be taught is meditation, the art of going in, because only out of that arises a discipline.

  13. The society is very much afraid of your reality. The church is afraid, the state is afraid, everybody is afraid of your essential person, your essential being, because the essential being is rebellious, intelligent. It cannot be easily reduced to slavery. It cannot be exploited. Nobody can use your essential being as a means; your essential being is an end unto itself. Hence the whole society tries in every possible way to disconnect you from your essential core, and it creates a false, plastic personality around you and it forces you to become identified with it. That’s what it calls education. It is not education; it is mis-education. It is destructive, nó là bạo lực.

  14. Society teaches you, “Become this, become that.It teaches you becoming. Its whole education system is based on the idea of becoming. And what I am telling you here is just the opposite of it. I am talking about BEING, not about becoming. Becoming is an invention of the crafty politicians and the priestsand these are the people who have poisoned the whole humanity. They go on giving you goals. If you become tired of the worldly things — tiền bạc, power, prestigethey are there to tell you about paradise, Chúa, định, sự thật. Again the whole process starts.

  15. The word ‘education’ đẹp. It meansdrawing something out”: drawing out that which is within you. Trên thực tế, we should not use it for the ordinary education. It is wrong to use a beautiful word like ‘educationfor this rotten system of schools, colleges and universities. It is not education in the literal sense even, because instead of drawing out what is within you it forces things from the outside upon you. It is an imposition.Real education is like drawing water from a well, not pouring something into the well. Real education is drawing out your being so that your inner luminosity starts filtering through your body, through your behavior.

  16. D.H. Lawrence was very much against your so-called educationit is not education, it is mis-education. Real education can only be based on love, not on knowledge. Real education cannot be utilitarian, real education cannot be of the marketplace. Not that real education will not give you knowledge; Đầu tiên, real education will prepare your heart, your love, and then whatever knowledge is needed to pass through life will be given to you, but that will be secondary. And it will never be overpowering; it will not be more valuable than love.

    And whenever there is a possibility of any conflict between love and knowledge, real education will help you to be ready to drop your knowledge and move with your love; it will give you courage, it will give you adventure. It will give you space to live, accepting all risks, insecurities; it will help you to be ready to sacrifice yourself if love demands it. It will put love not only above knowledge but even above life, because life is meaningless without love. Love without life is still meaningful; even if your body dies it makes no difference to your love energy. It continues, nó là vĩnh cửu, it is not a time phenomenon.

    To have a loving heart, you need a little less calculating head. To be capable of loving you need to be capable of wondering. Đó là lý do tại sao, Nur, I always say that awe and childlike innocence are deeply related with the energy called love. In fact they are different names for the same thing.

Give your children your love, but don’t give your ideologies. Don’t make them Catholics and communists; that is poisoning them. Don’t make them Hindus and Jainas and Buddhists; that is very destructive. Give your love, give your loving nourishment, and give them strength enough to inquire who they are, what this reality is all about. Give them every support so they can go on in life with an adventurous spirit. Then you are helping them; then you are really educating them. Ordinarily, whatsoever exists in the name of education is nothing but mis-education. Real education is helping the person to be himself. It is possible only if you love the person for his own sake, for no other motive. If there is a motive, your love is contaminated. Then you are not a real father or a real mother.