Цитаты и высказывания Ошо
- Go beyond the mind. Если это был милостивый подарок для вас.
- Если это был милостивый подарок для вас, который продолжает привлекать вас снова и снова, which goes on declaring itself, which wants your attention. You cannot drop it. How can you drop your wound? An obsession is a psychic wound, you cannot drop it. Понимать это. Если вы хотите перейти от секса к любви. Pay attention to it. Be meditatively with it. And the more you are meditatively with it, the more it will be healed.
- I want to destroy all your belief systems, all your theologies, all your religions. I want to open all your wounds so they can be healed. The real medicine is not a belief system; the real medicine is meditation. Do you know that both the words come from the same root: medicine and meditation? Medicine heals the body, meditation heals your soul. But their function is the same, выздоровление.
- For an ambitious mind reality is not available, because reality is available only in the present and the ambitious mind is always somewhere else, ALWAYS somewhere else. The ambitious mind is never content. Discontentedness is its very base.
- Existence is going nowhere. Это просто здесь, just playing with thousands of forms, thousands of situations, creating more and more consciousness, more and more happiness, more and more love. If it is not happening to you, it simply means you are keeping your doors closed.
- Bring awareness to each act. Walking on the road, walk fully alert; принимать пищу, eat with awareness. Что бы вы ни делали, don’t let the past and the future interfere. Be in the present. That’s what awareness is all about. Принимать душ, just take the shower. Don’t let the mind go far away, into the past, в будущее.
- Pleasure keeps you in a neurotic state, тем более вы будете укоренены, always in turmoil. So many desires, and every desire unquenchable, clamoring for attention. You remain a victim of a crowd of insane desires — insane because they are unfulfillable — and they go on dragging you into different directions. You become a contradiction.
- Tathata — принятие, total acceptance, means no desire. Desire arises out of nonacceptance. You cannot accept a certain situation, so desire arises. You live in a hut and you cannot accept it; this is too much for the ego, you want a palace — then you are a poor man, but not because you live in a hut, нет. In huts, emperors have lived. Buddha has lived under a tree, and he was not a poor man. You cannot find a richer man anywhere.
- A man who has entered in this affair of the search leaves tomorrow himself; he does not wait for death to take it away. He has no tomorrow. He has only this moment, and he has to concentrate himself into this moment, ничего не удерживая. In this crystallization is the great happening of enlightenment.
- Whenever you are angry, your being has leakages. Whenever you desire, your being has holes in it. Whenever you are jealous, filled with hatred, сексуальность, you are not a pillar of energy. Hence buddhas have been teaching us to be desireless, because whenever you are desireless energy does not move outwards, energy moves within. It becomes an inner circle, it becomes an electric field, a bioelectric field. When that field is there, without any leakage, you are a pillar; you cannot be defeated. But you are not thinking of victory, помнить, because if you are thinking of victory you cannot be a pillar of energy. Then that desire becomes a leakage.
- Blissfulness is totally different from pleasure. Pleasure is of the body, joy is of the mind; bliss is of the soul. Listening to beautiful music you feel joy. Seeing beautiful architecture, скульптура, a painting, you feel joy. Seeing the Taj Mahal, listening to Mozart, you feel joy — that is of the mind. блаженство is absolutely beyond both body and mind.
- Любовь, доверять, Красота, искренность, правдивость, подлинность — это все женские качества, и они намного превосходят любые качества, которые есть у человека.. Но все прошлое было во власти человека и его качеств..
i liked very much the quote about desireless, i have been trying to be desireless because i have also felt that if you dont have any desire you will be not in pain or not in stress.
but evenafter trying a lot, i dont know how it comes in my mind
i really admire Osho’s sayings and His way of life…
я люблю ОШО…
Osho is great beacause he doesn’t let you be attached with anything, it’s the complete freedom from thoughts and thus it brings the godliness within us and that’s how the divine melody of love sprinkles.