Цитаты и высказывания Ошо
- Everything is fleeting. Цитаты и высказывания Ошо Все мимолетно, Цитаты и высказывания Ошо Все мимолетно.
- Цитаты и высказывания Ошо Все мимолетно, Цитаты и высказывания Ошо Все мимолетно. Цитаты и высказывания Ошо Все мимолетно.
- Let love become a help for your spiritual growth. Let love become a nourishment to your heart and a courage so that you can open your heart, not only to one individual but to the whole universe.
Будучи уважаемым идиотами, ты должен вести себя в соответствии с их манерами., их ожидания. Чтобы вас уважало это больное человечество, вы должны быть более больны, чем они.. Тогда они будут уважать вас. Но что вы получите? Ты потеряешь свою душу и ничего не приобретешь.
- Remember well, the technological mind is a mathematical mind. The mind of the lover is non-mathematical; the mind of the lover is the mind of the poet. Love is a romance, not a technique. Love is a dream. not a technique. Love has a totally different approach to жизнь.
- Доверять. And don’t argue. Those arguments just become barriers. Put aside all your knowledge. That knowledge is not going to help. Only being helps, не знание; knowledge pretends, обещания, but never delivers the goods. So put all knowledge aside. That means to put the whole mind aside, to let the heart function at the optimum. And you will not go empty-handed I would not like you to go empty-handed. Я готов — you be ready!
- To the awakened man, to the buddha, the whole world and all its objects become almost like dreams. Everything is fleeting fast: the young man becoming old, the old man coming closer to his grave. Seen from the heights of a buddha, everybody is digging his own grave, каждый день. It takes seventy years, but in comparison to the eternity of existence, seventy years are not even seven seconds.
- The mind cannot trust the moment; it is always afraid, that’s why it plans. Planning means fear. It is fear that plans, and by planning you miss everything — everything that is beautiful and true, everything that is divine, you miss. Nobody has ever reached God with a plan, nobody can ever reach.
- The person who follows the path of awareness finds love as a consequence of his awareness, как побочный продукт, as a shadow. And the person who follows the path of love finds awareness as a consequence, как побочный продукт, as a shadow of love. Это две стороны одной медали.
- Remember one basic law: anything that is complete drops, because then there is no meaning in carrying it; anything that is incomplete clings, it waits for its completion.
- Be ordinary, but bring a quality of awareness to your ordinary life. Bring God to your ordinary life, introduce God into your ordinary life. Спать, есть, любовь, pray, медитировать, but don’t think that you are making or doing something special. And then you will be special. A man who is ready to live an ordinary life is an extraordinary man. Because to be extraordinary, to desire to be extraordinary, is a very ordinary desire. To relax and to be ordinary is really extraordinary.
- Love is not a technique, so nobody can teach you how to love. And if you come across books which say that they can teach you how to love, beware of those books. If you once learn the techniques of love you will never be able to love again. Those techniques will become a barrier. Love is a natural spontaneous phenomenon. Even animals are loving — they don’t have Kinseys and Masters and Johnsons and they are achieving orgasm perfectly, without any scientific help. They don’t have any sex therapists and they don’t go to any guru to be taught how to love. It is an inborn quality. Each being born brings it with himself.
osho is uniqe in his thouhght plese send one thought regular