Osho Short Quotes and Sayings
- Быть here and now, ты должен быть в медитации, вне разума.
- Любовь случается, когда вы готовы поделиться с другим человеком. Prayer happens when you are ready to share with God.
- Be herenow… только этот момент.
- My people worship, but not in a church. They worship the beauty of existence.
- Practise love. Sitting alone in your room, be loving. Radiate love. Fill the whole room with your любовь энергия.
- блаженство needs to be shared; it exists only in sharing.
- Without possessions, это в будущем, слава; кто ты??
- My function here is to destroy all hypocrisy in you.
- I am here; питайся мной. Съешь меня, выпей меня; питайся мной. Позвольте мне стать частью вашего существа, тогда я буду доступен навсегда и навсегда. Другого пути нет.
- The real honesty is a responsibility to the present moment. It needs tremendous awareness. You have to be honest to the present moment, not to the past, not to the future.
- The sannyasin knows what it means to be an emperor, because he simply gives; he enjoys giving, he loves sharing. And the miracle of life is: the more you give the more you have.
- The fundamental thing is to drop the split, to become one. Be one, and then all else is possible; even the impossible is possible.
- The moment you believe in someone, you lose intelligence. Belief is almost like poison to your intelligence.
- If you want to become an infinite source of love, then go on sharing love as much as you can. Don’t be a miser; only misers lose energy.
- В моем видении, the thing that man needs first and foremost is a meditative consciousness.
- Мышление — это очень низкая активность; это от ума. Медитация is the highest within you; это за пределами ума.