Цитаты и высказывания Ошо

Цитаты и высказывания Ошо

  1. While you are alive, будь таким живым, чтобы даже смерть, когда придет, не смогла тебя убить. По-настоящему живой человек преодолевает смерть. Смерть случается только с мертвыми людьми. Позвольте мне повторить это: Смерть случается только с мертвыми людьми; who are already dead, only to those people does death happen. По-настоящему живой человек преодолевает смерть, выходит за рамки смерти. Смерть приходит, but misses the target.
  2. Путь от делания к происходящему, from the эго towards no-ego, от ума к не-уму. Не-ум — это то, о чем медитация. Этот другой мир - нирвана. Этот другой мир - Бог.
  3. Between life and death, between the two banks of life and death, flows the river of love. And that is possible only for a person who does not take life for granted, who moves deep into the quality of being alive and becomes existential, аутентичный. Love is for the person who accepts death here and now and does not postpone it. Then between these two a beautiful phenomenon arises: the river of любовь.
  4. Life and death are like two banks. The possibility is there for the river of love to flow, but it is only a possibility. You will have to materialize it. Life and death are there, but love has to be materializedthat is the goal of being a human. Unless love materializes, you have missedyou have missed the whole point of being.
  5. God is a universal thing. Once you come out of your private dreams, это там. It has been always there. Once your eyes are clear, a sudden illuminationsuddenly you are overflooded with beauty, grandeur and grace. That is the goal, that is the destiny.
  6. Помнить, если ты отрекаешься от мира через неудачу, это не отречение, это не саньяса, это не верно. Если вы откажетесь от мира через понимание, that is totally different. Вы не отказываетесь от этого как от грустного усилия, с разочарованием внутри, неудача вокруг. Вы не делаете это как самоубийство, помнить. Если ваша саньяса — это самоубийство, тогда цветы не осыплются на тебя — тогда ты уходишь.
  7. The desire to exhibit is the desire of an ignorant mind. Why do you want to exhibit? Why do you want people to know you? What’s the cause of it? And why do you make it so significant in your life, the exhibition, that people should think that you are somebody very significant, important, экстраординарный — WHY? Because you don’t have a self. You have only an egoa substitute for the self.
  8. You have become so accustomed to living in chains that freedom tastes bitter.
  9. Learn the way of joy, learn the way of dance, at least learn the way of poetry; and unlearn the ways of the thinker, unlearn the ways that create questions in you.
  10. God is this total existence happening. Be silent and know. There is nowhere to go, there is nothing to achieve, no ambition has to be fulfilled. God has already decided to be inside you; that’s why you are alive.
  11. A prayer is like an infection. Love is also like an infection: it can be caught but not taught. You can catch it. It is flowing all around you, but if you remain like an island, закрыто, then there is no way to teach it to you.
  12. God is not somewhere in the future. If you delight, He is here. If you celebrate, you will find Him just by your side, бьется в твоем сердце. But if you seek Him you will never find Him anywhere. The seeking mind never reaches to reality. And one becomes too much of a seeker, постепенно: too much practice, conditions, so you go on seeking. Today you will seek, yesterday you were seeking, tomorrow also you will seek; past lives you were seeking, this life you are seeking, in the future lives also you will seek. Seeking has become habitual. It has become a structure. Drop that structure! This is my message: He is here, right THIS very moment. Don’t miss Him.
  13. Эго – это состояние полной неосознанности. Ум овладел всем вашим существом; это распространилось, как рак, на вас, ничего не упущено. Эго — это рак внутреннего, рак души. And the only remedy, the only remedy I say, это медитация.
  14. Relax when you go to sleep and laugh when you come out of sleep. That laughter should be the first prayer. Remember that if you can laugh, sooner or later you will come to believe in God. A person who laughs cannot remain an atheist for long, and a person who is sad, whatsoever he may say, cannot be really a believer in God, because sadness shows that he rejects, sadness shows that he is against, sadness shows that he denies, condemns. Laughter shows a deep acceptance, смех показывает праздник, смех показывает, что жизнь удалась.
  15. Эго может существовать только в целенаправленном видении.; разум может существовать только в будущем. Цель приносит будущее в; цель создает пространство для движения мыслей, желания возникнуть. И тогда, естественно, есть спешка, потому что жизнь коротка. Сегодня мы здесь, а завтра нас нет — может в следующий момент.