Цитаты Ошо
- The first step is: прими себя таким какой ты есть; отбросить все должно. Не носите на сердце ничего должного! Вы не должны быть кем-то другим; от вас не ожидают делать что-то, что вам не принадлежит — you are just to be yourself. Расслабляться! and just be yourself. Be respectful to your individuality. and have the courage to sign your own signature. Don’t go on copying others signatures.
- Just see the point! Just be yourself and remember you cannot be anything else, что бы ты ни делал. All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself.
- Не смотрите на общество и его осуждение. Бхагван Шри Раджниш Цитаты Не смотрите на общество и его осуждение. Бхагван Шри Раджниш Цитаты Не смотрите на общество и его осуждение’ Бхагван Шри Раджниш Цитаты Не смотрите на общество и его осуждение. Ты один и ты уникален. Вы никогда не были раньше, ты никогда не будешь снова. Ты красивый. Принять это. И что бы ни случилось, позволить этому случиться и пройти через это. и вы придете к тому, что вас будут беспокоить, страдание будет обучением; тогда это стало творческим.
- Awareness is needed, not condemnation — and through awareness transformation happens spontaneously. If you become aware of your anger, understanding penetrates. Just watching, без суждения, not saying good, not saying bad, just watching in your inner sky.
- The first thing to remember is how to drop thoughts and become thoughtless — thoughtless but alert, because in deep sleep also you become thoughtless.
- Remember one basic law: anything that is complete drops, because then there is no meaning in carrying it; anything that is incomplete clings, it waits for its completion. And this existence is really always after completion. The whole existence has a basic tendency to complete everything. It does not like incomplete things — they hang, they wait; and there is no hurry for existence — they can wait for millions of years.
- A really rebellious person is one who is neither for society nor against society, who simply lives his life according to his own understanding. Whether it goes against society or it goes with society is not a consideration, это не имеет значения. Sometimes it may go with the society, sometimes it may not go with the society, but that is not the point to be considered. He lives according to his understanding, according to his small light. And I am not saying that he becomes very egoistic about it. Нет, he is very humble. He knows that his light is very small, but that is all the light that there is. He is not adamant, he’s very humble. Он говорит, ‘I may be wrong, but please allow me to be wrong according to myself.’
- A man who is deluded by having things, loses all opportunities of attaining to the state of being.
- Ум интересует знание, а не мудрость, потому что для мудрости вам придется создать пространство под названием не-ум. И, естественно, ум боится, что ты когда-нибудь заинтересуешься мудростью, потому что разум не хочет совершать самоубийство. Sannyas is a suicide of the mind, so is meditation, so is wisdom. Это разные названия одного и того же явления, different aspects of the same diamond.
- Помнить: эго может создать страдание, эго может создать страдание, эго может создать ненависть, эго может вызвать зависть. Эго никогда не сможет стать средством божественного, это никогда не может стать проходом в запредельное.
- It does not matter to a man of awareness whether he is successful or unsuccessful, whether he is well known or absolutely unknown, whether he is somebody powerful or just a nobody, a nonentity. To a man of awareness, all these dualities don’t matter at all, because awareness is the greatest treasure. Когда у тебя это есть, you don’t want anything else. You don’t want to become a president of a country, or a prime minister of a country. Those are for children, retarded people, to play the game.
- A man of pure understanding is available to all the contradictions without any choice. He remains choiceless, just silently aware, knowing that they are contradictions but that ultimately they meet somewhere. Life meets death, day meets night, love meets hate, yes meets no.
- Life is only a school and unless you learn enlightenment, you will go on moving into the circle of life and death.
- Existence is not miserly; it is overflowing with abundance. Every death is a beginning of a new life, except only rarely, when somebody becomes enlightened. Then his death is the ultimate death. He will not be born again. He will not be engaged in a body again; he will not suffer the agony of another mind again. His consciousness will melt, just like an ice cube melting in the ocean and becoming one with it. He will be all over, but he will not be in any particular place, in a particular form. He will be all over, but formless. He will be the very universe.
- Быть в отношениях и стать зависимым - признак слабости. А бежать в Гималаи или в какой-нибудь католический монастырь из-за боязни попасть в зависимость - опять же признак слабости; это трусливо.
I luv it & always luv it!
He makes My Life Worth Of living…..I love every aspects of My Dear Osho