Цитаты Ошо о жизни, Не превращайте жизнь в вопрос аргументации

Цитаты Ошо о жизни

  1. Doubt can kill. это отрицательно, это не может дать тебе жизнь. Сомнение это смерть. Доверие это жизнь. И по мере того, как доверие растет все больше и больше, более богатая жизнь становится доступной для вас.
  2. Жизнь и смерть едины — одно явление, одна энергия. Жизнь есть проявление этой энергии., и смерть снова релаксация. Жизнь приходит в форму, и смерть снова движется в бесформенное. Конец и начало встречаются. Жизнь неотделима от смерти, смерть неотделима от жизни — они встречаются и смешиваются. Даже говорить, что они встречаются, неправильно, потому что разум сразу наводит: “Если есть встреча, то их должно быть двое.” это не встреча, это одно явление.
  3. If there is no morning, don’t think that there will be evening always and alwaysthere will be no evening at all. And if there is no death, don’t think that there will be life eternalthere will be no life at allbecause death creates the situation, sets an energy phenomenon. Every life brings death, every death brings life again.
  4. Nothing is ever the same. Everything goes on changing. Only mind is old and dead. To be capable of looking at life without mind is meditation.
  5. One who has lived his life truly, authentically, one who has enjoyed it, is always ready to die, is always ready to leave. One who has not enjoyed and celebrated, one who has not lived the moment, the life, is always afraid to leave becausethe time has come to leave and I am yet unfulfilled.The fear of death is not the fear of death, it is a fear of remaining unfulfilled. You are going to die, and nothing, nothing at all could you experience through lifeno maturity, no growth, нет цветения. Empty handed you came, empty handed you are going. This is the fear!
  6. Не превращайте жизнь в вопрос аргументации, or truth a question of arguments, or love a question of arguments, or joy a question of arguments. Жить, опыт, because that is the only way to know. Argument is not the way to know. Knowing is only through experiencing.
  7. You cling to life because your life is unfulfilled. You have not risen against a strong wind. You have not known the morning, and the evening has come. You have never been young, and old age is knocking at the door. You never loved, and death is coming. This unfulfilled state and the coming of death creates the fear. Buddha says that if you have lived you will always be ready to die. And that readiness will not be something forced upon you. It will be the thing, it will be a natural thing! As you are born, ты умрешь. As you come, вы идете. This is the wheel of existence. You lived the being part, now you will live the nonbeing part. You existed, now you will not exist. You rose, you manifested, now you will move into the unmanifested. You were visible, embodied, now you will move without the body to the invisible. You had your day; now you will take rest in the night. What is wrong in it?
  8. If each moment brings you something from the unknown, if each moment is a penetration of the unknown into the known, then life is an excitementwithout expectation. Then life is a constant movement into the unknown. Nothing can frustrate you because in the first place you never expected that anything was going to be the same for ever.
  9. An old person becomes beautiful if he has lived life. If he has not lived, then he wants to cling to some past moment which is there no more. And this is the ugly man: when youth has passed and you are trying to show that you are young; when sex has passedshould have passed if you have livedand you are still seeking things which are good in their season, which are beautiful in certain moments of life. But an old man is ridiculous falling in love… нелепый! He is as ridiculous as a young man NOT falling in loveout of season, out of step with life.
  10. Life is mysterious. You cannot be mathematical about it. Никто не знает. You may be a king, but you cannot force love. He may be a slave, but love will make a king out of him. Никто не знает! Life is mysterious. It is not arithmetical, it is not economics.
  11. This is the greatest crime that society commits against every child. No other crime can be greater than this. To spoil a child’s trust is to spoil his whole life because trust is so valuable that the moment you lose trust, you also lose your contact with your own being.
  12. Life is not a tension anywhere except in the minds of humanity. To take life with ease, without any tension, without any hurrythat is not laziness, that is easiness.
  13. Don’t make life a question-answer game. Make it more authentic, and anything that feels right to you, try to experiment with it. There are millions of people who know what is right, millions of people who know what is good, millions of people who know what has to be done. But they just know, they never try to transform their knowing into action, into actuality.
  14. Unless God is realized, your life has been a wastage. And that is your capacity, your potentialthe realization of the divineness of existence. Just a little taste and your whole life will become full of such glory, such ecstasy, such splendor that you cannot even dream about it.