Цитаты и высказывания Ошо
- If someone dies with the ego, он умер как семя. Он умер, так и не достигнув судьбы, которая была возможна, не достигая существования сознательно.
- Empathy means you have become so sympathetic that really you become one. The moods of the tree become your moods. А потом, if this goes deeper and deeper and deeper, you can talk, you can have a communication with the tree. Once you know its moods you start understanding its language, and the tree will share its mind with you. It will share its agonies and ecstasies.
- Listening to music it happens sometimes. There is nothing more meditational than music. Or if you can play some instrument yourself, then it is far better — because Listening you remain on the periphery; playing you are at the centre. If playing some instrument — playing a flute or sitar or guitar — and you are LOST into it, absolutely lost into it, время останавливается, mind is no more there, a Buddha moment arrives, and you know what herenow is.
- Live your life. Live a life of variety, a multi-dimensional life, and you will be richer. И, естественно, when a man has lived in all the dimensions of his life and comes to enlightenment, his experience is going to be richer. At least his expression is going to be richer.
- Don’t believe in any path. Don’t discard any path offhand, a priori, нет. Keep open. And use whatsoever feels right in this moment. And everything will help and everything will support and everything will strengthen, and everything will open you up. All things can be used. And you can be benefited by al the paths.
- To live in the mind is wrong. To live without mind is right, because without mind, the consciousness exists in its purity, mirror-like — это просто отражает.
- Right-mindfulness is a state of no-mind, no-thought! И запомни: it is also a state of no-feeling — в противном случае, you may think it is a state of feeling. Нет, это не — because feeling again creates ripples and the surface of the lake is disturbed, and again the moon is not reflected as it is. Neither thought disturbs you, nor feeling.
- Sex is nothing to feel guilty about! Это ваша жизнь. It is where you ARE — how can you avoid it? If you avoid it, you will be pseudo, inauthentic, untrue. If you avoid it, if you repress it, you will not be able to move upwards because the energy will be repressed through it.
- Zen does not teach renunciation. It teaches understanding, осведомленность, бдительность, the capacity to see things as they are. And then there is no need to escape from anywhere. Где бы вы ни были, Zen helps you to relax.
- Religion is not a desire for God, it is an experience of godliness. And the question is not how to find God, the question is how to drop desiring. This has to be remembered, very emphatically remembered: if you start seeking and searching for God you will remain the same person, you will never change. If you start trying to understand the nature of desire you are bound to go through a radical revolution because anybody who is a little bit intelligent is bound to see the utter futility of desire — it leads nowhere. And the moment desire disappears from your being you have arrived.
- Your mind as such has a tendency to complete — anything incomplete gives you tension. If you wanted to laugh and you could not, there will be tension. If you wanted to cry and could not, there will be tension. If you wanted to be angry and could not, there will be tension. That’s why you have been ill for so long; everything has been left incomplete!
- You have never laughed totally, you have never cried totally, you have never been angry totally, you have never hated totally, you have never loved totally. Nothing has been done totally — everything is incomplete. Nothing is total. It lingers on, and then there are always many things on your mind. That is why you are so ill at ease. You can never feel at home.
- An innocent person lives not according to certain requirements imposed by the society, church, state, родители, образование, the innocent person lives out of his own being, responsibly. He responds to the situation that is confronting him. He takes the challenge, he accepts the challenge, and does whatsoever in this moment his being wants to do — not according to certain principles. The innocent man has no principles, no ideology; the innocent man is absolutely unprincipled. The innocent man has no character, he is absolutely characterless — because to have character means to have a past; to have character means to be dominated by others; to have character means that mind is still the dictator and you are just a slave.
- Mind can only raise questions, but cannot find the answers. Just as leaves grow on trees, questions grow in the mind. You can prune the leaves but by pruning more leaves will come, the foliage will become thicker. You can prune the questions — that’s what philosophy goes on doing — but more questions will arise because the source of the questions, разум, remains intact, protected, безопасный.
- Помнить: I am not saying that sex cannot be transcended. Sex can be transcended, it should be transcended, but not through repression. Nobody has ever been able to transcend it through repression. If you repress sex you become cold; if you become cold you lose the orgasmic quality.