Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics, Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics

Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics

  1. To see existence as it is, Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics, Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics.
  2. Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics, Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics. Citações de Osho sobre workaholics Estes são workaholics, he has simply relaxed into the ultimate, and you feel the effortlessness around him.
  3. Effortlessness is a great phenomenon. Once you know it, many millions of things become possible to you. Through effort the market; through effortlessness the God. Through effort you can never reach to nirvana — you can reach lo New Delhi, but not to nirvana.
  4. First you have to do all that you can do, and then you have to learn non-doing. The doing of the non-doing is the greatest doing, and the effort of effortlessness is the greatest effort.
  5. Effort brings you to the moment of effortlessness, and effortlessness makes you available to God. So effort is not absolutely unnecessary, lembrar. It is not a condition to attain truth but it is a condition to attain effortlessness. It is just like when for the whole day you have been working hard, then in the night you move into a very very deep sleep. But if you have rested the whole day then in the night you will toss and turn and there will be no deep sleep possible. The whole day’s effort makes it possible for you to relax.
  6. With Patanjali effort is the path, effortlessness is the goal; effort is the means, effortlessness is the end.
  7. I teach you both effort and effortlessness, because unless you attain to effortless-effort, unless you attain to active passivity, unless you attain to a singing-silence — they look paradoxical — unless you attain to an unmoving dance, you have not attained.
  8. Much can be done through effort but more can be done through effortlessness. Much can be achieved through will but much more can be achieved through will-lessness. And whatsoever you achieve through will will always remain a burden to you; it will always be a conflict, an inner tension, and you can lose it at any moment.It has to be maintained continuously — and maintaining it takes energy, maintaining it finally dissipates you.
  9. Effortlessness means not doing anything, inactivity — AKARMA. Effort means doing much, activity — KARMA. Both have to be there. Do much, but don’t be a doer — then you achieve both. Move in the world, but don’t be a part of it. verão e inverno, but don’t let the world live in you. Then the contradiction has been absorbed. Then you are not rejecting anything, not denying anything. Then the whole God has been accepted.
  10. Buda diz: Never stop anywhere unless you have attained to the seventh — the state of a disciplined no-discipline, the state of effortlessness, the state of TAO, DHAMMA, the state which Kabir calls SAHAJ, spontaneous. But you have to work hard for it.
  11. Kabir does not believe in effort, he believes in effortlessness. That’s what he calls SAHAJ SAMADHI, spontaneous ecstasy. Kabir is a lover; his path is the path of love. Love knows no effort.
  12. Only that which is attained through effortlessness will never be a burden to you, and only that which is not a burden can be eternal. Only that which is not in any way unnatural can remain with you forever and forever.
  13. For meditation you have to learn the art of non-achieving the art of effortlessness, the art of relaxing, the art of not doing anything. That’s what meditation is — just a total rest.
  14. The whole zen attitude is to bring to your notice the fact that there is no effort to be made. The zen attitude is that of effortlessness.
  15. Tao is not female-oriented. Tao is both — a synthesis. Circulation is masculine energy, and fixation is feminine energy. Reach to the non-active, reach to the passive through action. Through effort attain to effortlessness.
  16. With effort, reach to effortlessness. With seeking, reach to a state of no-seeking. With mind, arrive at no-mind.
  17. The only way to achieve something in the interior world is let-go — a kind of effortlessness, a relaxation. It is not a doing; it is nondoing. It is not action; it is inaction. And it seems difficult because everybody from the very beginning is told, “Do something; don’t just go on sitting there! Something is always better than nothing.” In the inner world these are not the laws. Nothing is better than everything. In the inner world, não faça nada: just sit there! That will work because whenever you are doing something, you are involved with something else; when you are not doing anything then you relax in yourself. Where to go? Even going is not allowed, because it is part of action. So just simply get centered in yourself, and in those moments when you get centered in yourself is the possibility of liberation, the first glimpse of the world of inner sky, of inner stars.
  18. One cannot attain the truth through any activity. Activity is needed to attain things of the world. Of you want to attain the inner truth you have to learn the art of no action, of effortlessness. And meditation is nothing but effortlessness, it is inaction. It is sitting silently doing nothing. It is not a doing, lembrar.
  19. There are things which happen through effort, and there are things which happen only through effortlessness. There are things which will never happen through effort, and there are things which will never happen through effortlessness. All that is mundane happens through effort; all that is worldly happens through effort. And all that is sacred, other-worldly, happens through effortlessness.
  20. If you are going towards the easy, the ego starts dying. And when there is no ego left, you have arrived to your reality — the right, the truth. And truth and right have to be natural. Easy means natural; you can find them without any effort. Easy is right means natural is right, effortlessness is right, egolessness is right.
  21. When Zen masters say “effortlessness” they are referring to the state when your enlightenment is well rooted. Now there is no need of any effort; now you can be relaxed and at ease, it will grow on its own accord. It will bring much foliage, and many flowers, and many blessings.