as coisas começam a acontecer por conta própria – as coisas começam a acontecer por conta própria

as coisas começam a acontecer por conta própria

  1. Much is needed on the part of the disciple, porque a menos que o discípulo esteja pronto — através de profunda meditação e purificação, através de catarse profunda e limpeza — mesmo que o Mestre esteja lá, you will not allow him to put your pot right-side up. You will resist, you will not surrender, you will not be in a let-go. The disciple needs to be in deep, Confiar em; only then can the Master do something in the innermost being of the disciple. It is a great turning, a conversion, so much is needed on the part of the disciple. Só então, is initiation possible.
  2. as coisas começam a acontecer por conta própria; he has to receive. Even the male disciple has to function almost in a feminine way. With the Master he is a womb, a receiver, a receptacle. Hence the woman proves to be the perfect disciple.
  3. Seeing a Buddha, you have seen your own possible Buddhahood. That’s what faith isbut it is not enough. Then you have to work hard to make it real. The seed has to fall into the earth, die into the earth, be born as a sprout. And a thousand and one difficulties have to be crossed: winds are there, thunder is there, animals are there, and the new sprout is very fragile, very weakwith infinite potentiality to become strong, but right now it is not strong. It will need somebody’s help; it will need a gardener. That is the meaning of a Master. Quando você escolhe um mestre, you choose a gardener. And you say, “Protect me until I have become strong enough to go my own way.But faith is just the door.
  4. The disciple is receptive, vulnerável, unguarded; he drops all armor. He drops all defense measures. He is ready to die. If the master says, “Die!” he will not wait for a single moment. The master is his soul, seu próprio ser; his devotion is unconditional and absolute. And to know absolute devotion is to know God. To know absolute surrender is to know the secret-most mystery of life.
  5. The master does nothing. It is in your becoming a disciple that the whole mystery lies. It is in your surrender of the ego that the whole search comes to an authentic point. It is in putting your mind aside.
  6. Sannyas means disciplehood. It means merging and melting into the master, forgetting your self, your separate entity. The master is only an opportunity to help you to get rid of the ego. Once you are free of the ego you have passed through the master, through the gate, you have entered into god. The master is only a gate, but without passing through the gate nobody en into the temple of god.
  7. O Mestre desapareceu como um ego; ele é pura alegria. E o discípulo senta-se ao lado do Mestre, lentamente, participando de sua alegria, de seu ser, comendo e bebendo daquele eterno, fonte inesgotável: AIS DHAMMO SANANTANO. E um dia…e não se pode prever quando esse dia chegará; é imprevisível. Um dia de repente aconteceu: um processo começou em você que revela a verdade do seu ser para você. Você fica cara a cara consigo mesmo. Deus não está em outro lugar: ele é agora, aqui.
  8. If you really want to seek a master, drop greed and drop your beliefs. Go to a master completely nude in the mind, with no beliefs; as if you are a tree in the fall with no leaves, naked, standing against the sky. You go and seek a master with a naked mind, with no leaves, with no beliefs. Só então, apenas então, I say, will you be able to see without projection; only then will something penetrate into your life from the above. Then nobody can deceive you.
  9. Procurar um mestre é procurar alguém em quem você possa reconhecer, alguém que se torna a prova — em cujo ser você pode saborear algo do divino; em cujos olhos você pode vislumbrar e ver algo do divino; em cujo amor você pode sentir algo sendo regado; em cuja música você pode sentir, você pode saber sem dúvida, que o infinito está fluindo. O mestre não é nada além de uma cana, a flute — uma flauta vazia, an emptiness. Deus flui através dele. Se você pode reconhecê-lo, já você mesmo se tornou um com ele. Agora outros podem reconhecê-lo em você e ele pode se espalhar.
  10. Become a little more silent, learn how to be in communion with me. It is a love affair to be with a master, a love affair which is inexpressible in words; but one can get attuned, it is an attuning. Lentamente lentamente, the disciple falls into accord with the heart of the master. He breathes the way the master breathes, his heart beats in the same rhythm as the master’s heart. Then understanding comes so naturally; just as your shadow follows you, understanding follows silence.
  11. The disciple is not asking anything, and the master is not promising anything; yet there is thirst in the disciple and there is promise in the master. It is a closeness in which nobody is higher and nobody is loweryet the disciple is a woman, always a woman, because the disciple is nothing but an opening, um útero, uma receptividade. And the master is always a man, because the master is nothing but a giving, a giving for no other reason than that he is so full. He has to give. He is a rain cloud. Just as the disciple is in search, the master is also in search. The disciple is in search of where he can open himself without any fear, without any resistance, sem segurar nada — totalmente. And the master is also in search of such a human being who can receive the mysterious, who is ready to be pregnant with the mysterious, who is ready to be reborn.
  12. You need somebody who can possess you unexpectedly, who can shatter your ideaswho can shatter you, who can take the very earth from beneath your feet. Only very courageous people become interested in a master. To be with a master is dangerous. One never knows what he is going to do, one never knows what he is going to say. He himself does not know! As coisas estão acontecendo. He is in tune with the whole, so whatsoever happens happens.