Osho on Suicide – Suicídio comum - não vai ajudar muito, você vai nascer imediatamente

Osho on Suicide

Pergunta – Eu quero cometer suicídio.
OshoThen first take sannyas. E você pode não precisar cometer suicídio, porque sannyas é o maior suicídio possível. E por que alguém deveria querer cometer suicídio? Death is coming on its own – why are you in such a hurry? A morte virá, e espere a primavera. Mesmo que você não queira que venha, vêm. Você não precisa ir ao seu encontro, ele vem sem ser convidado. Mas você deve estar sentindo muita falta da sua vida. é por raiva, por desespero, que você quer cometer suicídio. Eu vou te ensinar o verdadeiro suicídio: Torne-se um sannyasin.

E o suicídio comum não vai ajudar muito, você vai nascer imediatamente em algum outro útero em algum lugar. Algum casal tolo estará fazendo amor em algum lugar, lembrar…e você será preso novamente. You cannot escape so easily – there are fools and fools. Antes de escapar deste corpo, você será pego em outra rede. And again you will have to go to the school and the college and the university – just think of that! Think of all those miserable experiences – that will prevent you from committing suicide.

You know, Indians don’t commit suicide so easily, because they know that they will be born again. No Ocidente, much suicide and the suicidal idea exists; many people commit suicide. And psychoanalysts say there are very very rare people who don’t think of committing it. In fact one person has investigated and gathered data, and he says every person, every single person, thinks at least four times in his life to commit suicide. But he must be thinking of the West. No leste, because of the idea of reincarnation, nobody wants to commit suicide – what is the point? You escape from this door and from another door you are in again. You can’t go so easily.

Eu vou te ensinar suicídio real, você pode ir para sempre. That’s what it means to become a Buddha – to go for ever. Quando alguém costumava cometer este suicídio em samadhi, Buda tinha um nome especial para ele, he would call him ANAGAMI – one who will not return. Aquele que foi para a margem mais distante e não voltará. eu posso te fazer anagami, um não-retorno. Então nenhum útero pode ser uma armadilha para você novamente.

Why do you want to commit suicide? Maybe life is not going the way you want it to go? But who are you to impose your way on life, your will on life? Maybe your desires are not fulfilled? But then drop desires! Why drop yourself? Maybe your expectations are not fulfilled, and you are feeling frustrated? In frustration one wants to destroy. And there are only two possibilities – either murder somebody or murder yourself. Murdering somebody else is more dangerous, so people start thinking of murdering themselves. But it is murder. Why not change your life rather than destroying it? And please don’t commit it here, otherwise you will create problems for me.

I have heard: A policeman saw a man standing on the parapet of Blackfriars Bridge one evening, obviously about to jump. Rushing over to him, he tried to talk him out of it. ’If you jump, sir,’ he said, ’it will be my duty to jump in after you to try to rescue you. Then I’ll get wet, catch pneumonia, and die too. So why don’t you just go home quietly and put your head in the gas oven?
Please don’t create any trouble here. And don’t talk about it, because there are many people who would like the idea – you may convert a few people.

I have heard: A man was walking across Waterloo Bridge late one night when he noticed another man on the parapet about to throw himself over. He rushed up to the would-be suicide and shouted, ’Wait a minute! Don’t jump! Come and have a drink and talk things over.’
The two men went off to a nearby pub and spent the next hour chatting over the state of the country, inflation, taxes, and the future of Western civilization. Then they finished their drinks, walked back to Waterloo Bridge, and both jumped.

So don’t spread this idea here. If you want to commit suicide just come in the evening to darshan and I will help.

Source – Osho Book “This Very Body the Buddha”