Citações e provérbios de Osho
- Be aware whatsoever you are doing.
- Citações e provérbios de Osho Esteja ciente de tudo o que você está fazendo. Citações e provérbios de Osho Esteja ciente de tudo o que você está fazendo.
- Citações e provérbios de Osho Esteja ciente de tudo o que você está fazendo. To be in the present and to be in a dream is impossible; they never meet. So if one is awake, consciente, attentive of the time that is just here and now, dreaming stops. And when dreaming withers away, you can become aware, really aware; you can really become awake.
- Whenever there is any identification, it means with something else – that you are not. One can be identified with the body, with the mind. But the moment one is identified, one is lost to oneself. This is what ego means. This is how ego is formed and becomes crystallized.
- The relationship of the master and the disciple is the most intimate relationship possible, because bodies are not related, but spirits. All relationships are bodily, even that of the mother and son – it is just a physical relationship. The relationship of lover and the beloved is still something earthly. The only relationship on the earth which is unearthly is that of a master and the disciple. So if the disciple is lost, the master is lost.
- The food that can give you the feeling of weightlessness is the right food. A comida que te dá a sensação de estar sobrecarregado não é a comida certa. Todos os alimentos não vegetarianos o tornam mais enraizado na terra; você não pode voar. Alimentos vegetarianos lhe dão asas; você tem um sentimento interior de que você pode apenas levitar, você pode simplesmente sair da gravitação.
- You cannot drop anything if there is a desire to gain something else; then that desire is again desire for happiness, pleasure. Be aware of the fact that both are one; pleasure and pain are one. Your interpretation differs, but the thing is always the same. This awareness of the fact becomes the dropping, the turning. And the soul, pela primeira vez, realizes that it has never been identified with any object at all; it is the subjectivity.
When there is no desiring, you are just here – this very moment. That moment becomes thedoor to the infinite. That moment becomes the door to the divine – to nirvana.
When there is no desiring, you are just here – this very moment. That moment becomes thedoor to the infinite. That moment becomes the door to the divine – to nirvana.
great thoughts…..!! it helps in transformation.