Swami Rajneesh arquiva um 10 Crore Defamation Lawsuit against Goan Observer Rajen Narayan
The Goan Observer had published and made various defamatory and false allegations
in his newspaper articles and informed the SP police and Anti Terrorism
that Swami Rajneesh is a drug trafficker and money launderer
and involved in various criminal activities and illegal land grab
and bribery to the heads of the Goa government and departments
Mr Rajen Narayan has also alleged that Swami Rajneesh is associated
with or linked to the Sanathan Sanstha and the Hindutva Terrorism brigade
who were responsible for many bomb blast in India
Swami Rajneesh filed a 10 crore Defamation Lawsuit
in the Court of Civil judge at Panaji on 3rd may 2011
challenging the Goan Observer Newspaper and Editor Rajan Narayan and filed for damages