swami rajneesh é um discípulo iluminado de osho e recebeu a transmissão da lâmpada de osho.
swami rajneesh está fazendo uma comuna gratuita de osho em goa.
the osho cocom commune website is www.oshococom.com
osho cocom commune offers free osho therapies, groups, meditations and free osho discourses.
no gate pass, no banning, no barring in osho cocom commune – all seekers of truth are welcome to celebrate and grow within.
osho rajneesh quotes and sayings for seekers of truth
- the real search is your innocence
- don’t waste your time in decorating the mind
- before you set out to learn more
dive in
to understand and experience
what treasures you already have
you are the universe - you have always arrived
just you are missing
you are in a hurry
you are searching outside you
you moved away from your center
come back home
and just settle
and you are pure light - i am creating a new commune
with a simple rule and understanding
of transparency and accountability
this commune will be for the people
not for any masters
masters don’t need anything - no banning no barring no threatening
all will be welcomed
and the freedom of expression will never be curbed - i am going to invite all enlightened disciples of osho
right or wrong is not the question
they have the freedom to express
their celebration
their joy
their findings - if we want our people to flower
we need to keep an open transparent space
for the growth of these beautiful beings
who are seeking the truth
osho the beloved master
i would know to like about spritual science of soul