Frases de Osho sobre a frustração na vida, Frases de Osho sobre Frustração

Frases de Osho sobre a frustração na vida

  1. It is your expectation that carries the seeds of frustration.
  2. Lembrar, frustração está fora da expectativa, e o ego está sempre esperando. O ego é um mendigo.
  3. Don’t try in any way to be special because all those trips are ego-trips and lead you into frustration and worry and fear.
  4. Frustration is nothing but the ego feeling badit could not make it; the ego is hurt, wounded.
  5. Você pode escolher: either frustration, Sofrimento, miséria — then go on holding the ego, nourishing it. Or peace, silêncio, felicidade — but then you have to recover your innocence.
  6. If you listen to me you will never again be in the same boat. It is the boat of expectation. Frustration is a by-product. You want to get rid of the frustration but you don’t want to get rid of the expectation. Then it is impossible.
  7. If you expect, there is frustration. If you don’t expect, there is no frustration. You expect because you think that things are permanent. Nothing is permanent.
  8. If you are dreaming, then dream a little more. Nobody is ever fulfilled by dreaming but one has to figure it out oneself‘Enough is enough. I have dreamed enough, fantasised enough, and nothing comes except misery, except frustration.Each desire brings more frustration, each expectation turns finally into frustration.
  9. Once you have dropped the ego you have dropped all defeat, all failure, all frustration. Carry the ego and you are doomed to failure. Carry the ego and you will remain weak. Drop the ego and infinite strength starts flowing through you. By dropping the ego you become a river, you start flowing, you start melting, you start streamingyou become alive.
  10. When there is no expectation there is no possibility of frustration. A expectativa é a mãe de todas as frustrações; expectativa se foi, a frustração desaparece. E quando não há frustração em sua vida, a vida realmente se torna um mar de rosas. Então Deus é uma bênção constante; ele continua chovendo sua graça, sua beleza em você.
  11. You live a false life. For this false life a false center is needed. That center is your ego, your conscious mind. That is why, no matter what you do, you will never be blissfulbecause only the real center can happen, only the real center can explode, can come to the climax, the optimum, of the possibility of bliss. The false center is a shadow game. You can play with it, you can hope with it, but ultimately nothing but frustration comes out of it. With a false anxiety that is bound to be so.
  12. This mind, this process of thinking, this ego, is just a fragment of your whole total being, and this fragment is trying to be the sovereign. This is not possible, the fragment cannot be the sovereign. It is going to fail; that is why there is so much frustration in life. You can never succeedyou are trying the impossible. The fragment cannot be the sovereign. The whole is bigger and the whole is more powerful.
  13. Have you achieved anything through any desire or does frustration always come? Aren’t ashes always in the hand and nothing else? But one never sees the ashes in the hand, one never sees the frustration. The eyes are always again fixed on the far-off horizon.
  14. By desiring, no one has ever attained to the state of peace, the state of non-desire. By understanding the desire, by understanding the motivation, one becomes, por e por, alerta. One comes to know that if you drop motivation, there is no frustration in life. Then nothing can make you unhappy. Then happiness is natural; it is just the way you are. Then whatsoever happens, you remain happy. Agora, whatsoever happens, you remain unhappy.
  15. The whole world lives in dreams. If you want to live with them, you have to be a part. Você diz: 'Sim. So beautiful’ — but then you are wearied and tired. And the whole life seems like a long boredom, non-ending.. And again and again, the same routine you follow. And again and again, you come to the same frustration.
  16. Life is momentary life is a flux. To hope that one can create something permanent in life is to hope in vain. You are looking for frustration. The whole of life is a continuous movement: things change. Except change everything changes. The only thing that is permanent is change.
  17. The desire to rule over others, the will to power, is one of the greatest crimes that man has committed. My sannyasins have to be aware of it. Conseqüentemente, my insistence for being just ordinary. And it is so beautiful, because I am saying it out of my experience. No egoist in the whole history of humanity has said that ego is beautiful, that it has given him great ecstasies. All the egoists have died in frustration, desespero, because the ego knows no limits. So you are always frustrated.
  18. You can accumulate millions of dollars and pounds, but suddenly you find nothing satisfies, your thirst remains the same, it is not quenched. And there is no hope now. You have learnt a trickhow to succeed. Now you have succeeded, and you have wasted your whole life in this success, and there comes no satisfaction, but a deep frustration, a hopeless state. And if you fail? Of course then how can there be satisfaction? No mundo, if you fail you fail, if you succeed, you also fail.
  19. In frustration one wants to destroy. And there are only two possibilitieseither murder somebody or murder yourself. Murdering somebody else is more dangerous, so people start thinking of murdering themselves. But it is murder.
  20. The mind lives through more, and the more cannot be fulfilled; isso é impossível. IT ENDS IN TEARS. Every desire ends in frustration, because every expectation is the beginning of frustration. Why does every desire end in frustration? There are only two alternatives: either you achieve your object of desire or you don’t achieve it, but in both cases it will end in tears. If you achieve it you will see the utter futility of it all.
  21. Um homem que vive com intenções é obrigado a sentir frustração. Um homem que vive com expectativas está fadado a se sentir frustrado porque a existência não tem nenhuma obrigação com você.. Mas se você vive sem intenções, sem expectativas, então milagrosamente você descobre que tudo o que você sempre sonhou está sendo realizado. A lua é refletida no lago — o lago nunca pediu, a lua nunca quis isso. A existência continua espontaneamente. Não traga seu desejo, sua ambição e sua expectativa; são os pontos perturbadores. Eles criam um caos em sua mente.
  22. Este ego tem todos os desejos, ambições, quer estar sempre no topo de tudo. Você é explorado por esse ego. E isso nunca permite que você tenha um vislumbre de seu verdadeiro eu autêntico, e sua vida está lá, em sua autenticidade. Conseqüentemente, esse ego só produz miséria, Sofrimento, brigando, frustração, loucura, suicídio, assassinato — todos os tipos de crimes.