Frases de Osho sobre “Aqui e Agora”

Citações de Osho sobre “Aqui e agora”

  1. Buscando sempre leva ao falso. Somente uma mente que não busca percebe o que é, pois sempre que você procura, você perdeu o que é. Buscando sempre se move para o futuro, seeking cannot be here and now. How can you seek here and now? You can only be. Seeking is desirefuture enters, time comes inand this moment, this here and now is missed. Truth is here, agora.
  2. Watch a small childknowing nothing, having no experience, he functions here and now.
  3. For the mind everything is divided: the seed and the tree are two, the act and the result are two. The result is always in the future and the act is here, you act because of the future. For the mind the present is always sacrificed for the future, and the future does not exist. There is always the present, the eternal now, and you are sacrificing this now for something which is nowhere and cannot be anywhere.
  4. When you are here and now, sitting totally, not jumping ahead, the miracle has happened. To be in the moment is the miracle.
  5. Tudo está disponível, esteve disponível sempre; você nunca perdeu isso. Mas só por causa de sua busca pelo futuro, do gol, você não pode olhar. A verdade cerca você, você existe nele. Assim como os peixes existem no oceano, você existe na verdade. Deus não é um objetivo, Deus é o que está aqui e agora. Essas árvores, esses ventos soprando, essas nuvens se movendo, o céu, você, EU — isso é o que Deus é. Não é um objetivo.
  6. Somewhere in the middle one has to stop. And if you stop in the middle, time stops with you. And when time stops, all hope, all desires have stopped. Você começa a viver. Agora, now is the only time and here is the only space.
  7. If you are herenow, suddenly you have slipped out of the mind. How can you think herenow? Thinking will take you away from the herenow. A single thought, and you are thousands of miles away from here and now. In the here and now there is no possibility, there is no space for thinking to arise. Mind functions in the non-existential, in the fictitious, in the imaginary. Mind is a faculty of dreamingit is a dream faculty! Truth is not known by mind; that’s why I say it is not known at all. Truth is felt by the heart, by your totality; by you, not by your head; by you as an organic unity. When you know truth, you know by the head and by the toes; you know by your bones and by your guts; you know by your heart and by your blood; you know it by your breathingjust by your very being. Truth is known by being.
  8. Se você pode funcionar agora, here in this moment, through your consciousness, through your being aware, putting aside all that you have knownthis is what I call functioning through no-knowledge, this is functioning through innocence. And this is maturity.
  9. In the Hindu paradise they say roses are not ordinary roses, they are made of diamonds. I don’t know, but I have seen roses. If you can see roses here exactly on this earth, they are made of diamondsso why go far away? Not in paradise but here now, once you know how to see a rose there is nothing comparable to it. And once you can see the rose you may forget completely about the diamond.
  10. Live here now! Living in hope is living in the future, which is really postponing life. It is not a way of living, but a way of suicide. There is no need for any hope and there is no need to feel hopeless. Live here now. Life is tremendously blissful, it is showering here and you are looking somewhere else. It is just in front of your eyes, but your eyes have moved far away, they look at the horizon. It is within you, but you are not there.
  11. Somnambulism is the ordinary state of the mind. If you want to become a meditator, you have to drop this sleepy habit of doing things. Walk, but be alert. Dig a hole, but be alert. Comer, but while eating don’t do anythingjust eat. Each bite should be taken with deep alertness, chew it with alertness. Don’t allow yourself to run all over the world. Be here, agora. Whenever you catch your mind going somewhere else…. It is always going somewhere else, it never wants to be here. Because if the mind is here it is no longer needed; right in the present there is no need for the mindconsciousness is enough. The mind is needed only there, somewhere else in the future, in the past, but never here…..Whenever you become alert that the mind has gone somewhere elseyou are in Poona and the mind has gone to Philadelphiaimmediately become alert. Give yourself a jerk. Volte para casa. Come to the point where you are. Comendo, eat; walking, walk; don’t allow this mind to go all over the world. It is not that this will become meditation, but it will create a situation.