Citações de Osho Frases de Osho, Frases de Osho para amantes de Osho

Citações de Osho

  1. Meditation is when you are not doing anything at all, quando a mente não está funcionando. Esse não funcionamento da mente é meditação — sem cantar, no mantra, sem imagem, sem concentração. One just simply is. In that isness the ego disappears, and with the ego the shadow of the ego disappears. That shadow is fear.
  2. Behind all this garbage of the mind and the noise of the mind there is a dimension of utter emptiness. One is hollow without God, one is just emptiness and nothing without God. One wants to hide this nakedness, this emptiness, this ugliness. One covers it with beautiful flowers, one decorates those covers. One at least pretends that one is something, somebody.
  3. Personality is bogus, individuality is substantial. Personality is just a facade, individuality is your truth. Personality is imposed from the outside; it is a persona, uma máscara. Individuality is your realityit is as God has made you. Personality is social sophistication, social polishing. Individuality is raw, wild, forte, with tremendous power.
  4. Lembrar, even if I am gone and your love is immense for me, I will go on helping you. Connections are not disconnected by death. Death simply makes no difference for the lovers. Death does not exist for the lovers. If you have trust, if you have love for me, death doesn’t mean anything at all; we will go on communing the same way. Everything will go on being the same, nothing will change at all.
  5. People only pretend the game of love, they don’t go into it. They keep a distance from any deep commitment, from any total involvement, because if you really go very close in the world of love, the flame of love is going to burn your ego.
  6. Only a living Master is fire enough, hectares de floresta com rio no sul de goa na índia para criar um oásis de amor para meditação e interior, hectares de floresta com rio no sul de goa na índia para criar um oásis de amor para meditação e interior, hectares de floresta com rio no sul de goa na índia para criar um oásis de amor para meditação e interior, absolutamente. SATSANG, hectares de floresta com rio no sul de goa na índia para criar um oásis de amor para meditação e interior, hectares de floresta com rio no sul de goa na índia para criar um oásis de amor para meditação e interior.
  7. We are afraid of love because Love is a small death. Love requires that we should surrender, and we don’t want to surrender at all. We would like the OTHER to surrender, we would like the other to be a slave. But the same is the desire from the other side: man wants the woman to be a slave; and of course the woman also wants the same, the SAME desire is there. Their methods of enslaving each other may be different, but the desire is the same.
  8. When the disciple comes to the Master, he comes to die. the disciple is one who decides to die in the Master. In that very death is resurrection. In that very death, life starts manifesting itself in its multi-dimensionality. Dying, one attains to higher life; one has to go on dying on lower planes. the moment you die on the lower plane, you assert from the higher, and there are planes and planes….
  9. Get rid of all your prejudices. Get rid of all that you have not known and others have given to you. Get rid of all your knowledge. If you really want to know one day the first thing is not to get rid of ignorance, the first thing is to get rid of knowledge. Knowledge is ignorance, the real ignorance. If you get rid of knowledge, ignorance is innocence.
  10. Para mim, sannyas significa um compromisso que “Vou me limpar completamente de todas as coisas que me foram impostas, e eu vou começar a viver sozinho — fresh, jovem, puro, não poluído.” Então sannyas é uma iniciação em sua inocência.
  11. Sannyas é um passo inteligente para se livrar de todo o lixo que se acumulou ao seu redor, apenas pulando fora dele limpo, fresh, jovem, e começar de novo para que quando você morrer você possa morrer com a satisfação de ter vivido do jeito que você queria viver, que você não viveu uma vida emprestada, que você não era um ator em um filme, que você viveu uma vida autêntica.
  12. My whole work consists of destroying all your ideologies so that you can be completely fresh and free and move on your own.
  13. With each man becoming enlightened some consciousness in everyone is raised higher. But one buddha cannot transform the whole world; at least two hundred buddhas are needed.
  14. Just go on witnessing whatsoever is happening. Walking you witness, sitting you witness, eating you witness yourself eating, and you will be surprised that the more you witness things the better you can do them because you are non-tense, their quality changes.
  15. Millions of people have found the truth, but truth is something which remains individual and cannot be given as a thing to somebody else; you have to find it on your own. I think it is one of the most significant gifts of existence that it has not made truth a commodity. De outra forma, there would have been shops in the market where you could purchase truth. You cannot purchase truth at any price. You will have to seek it.