Cytaty Osho na temat snów
- Love yourself! Idea zostania kimś innym opiera się na nienawiści do samego siebie, w samopotępieniu.
- Ludzkość żyła pod ciemną, ciemną chmurą samopotępienia. Jeśli się potępisz, jak możesz się rozwijać?? How can you ever become mature? And if you condemn yourself, how can you worship existence? If you cannot worship existence in you, you will become incapable of worshipping existence in others; it will be impossible. You can become part of the whole only if you have great respect for the God that resides within you.
- Because of this condemnation, love will not happen. How can you love anybody if you are feeling so condemned in yourself? And how can you allow somebody to love you if you are feeling so condemned? Love is impossible. When you live in self-condemnation you live in hell. Hell is not somewhere else: it is in your attitude; it is a condemning attitude.
- Unless you love yourself, you cannot love your neighbour.All the so-called Christianity has been teaching you hatred towards yourself, condemnation towards yourself. Love yourself, because you are the nearest to God. It is there that the first ripple has to arise. Love yourself. Self-love is the most fundamental thing — if you ever want to be religious, self-love is the basis. And all so-called religions go on teaching you self-hatred: “Condemn yourself, you are a sinner, guilty — this and that — you are worthless.”
- Shame and fear and self-condemnation, they all need energy from you, your support. On the surface you think you want to get rid of them, but deep down you are supporting them; Inaczej, they cannot exist. Są pasożytami.
- Misery fits perfectly well with our self-condemnation; misery is a by-product of self-condemnation. Unless we allow bliss to happen, it is not going to happen; there is no other way. And we can allow it only when we have tremendous respect for our own being, a great love for ourselves. But that has been condemned for centuries and centuries — it is called selfishness, and all kinds of names. But self-love is the foundation of all other love.
- God never copies, not even himself; that quality is nirala. Everything in existence is unique, incomparable. This is god’s love, his respect to his creation, and if we understand this then great respect and great love arise towards oneself and all self-condemnation disappears. And that is one of the most fundamental things for a sannyasin to understand: no self-condemnation, bez winy.
- If you have been trained from the very beginning with the idea of sin, guilt, self-condemnation, then everything has been poisoned. You cannot love anybody, because you cannot love even yourself. And the person who cannot love himself is absolutely incapable of loving anybody else.
- Humanity has lived under a dark cloud of self-condemnation and hatred, and everybody feels unworthy, everybody feels just like dirt. We go on pretending on the surface that it is not so, but deep down we have been told that it is so — that we are sinners, that we are sent into the world only to suffer, that we have committed millions of crimes in our past lives and this suffering is a logical consequence of it. All these theories are nothing but forcing on you this idea that you are a sinner.
- You don’t have to get out of the fear, out of the self-condemnation and guilt. All that you have to understand is that these are thoughts given to you by others. They don’t belong to you, they are forced upon you. The very insight that they are forced upon you, and you will find a tremendous freedom coming out of the insight. They are gone, because they are only thoughts. There is not a real brick wall that you have to jump out of. If you try to jump out, that means you still believe in the wall.
- With the real sannyasin you will not feel self-condemnation, you will feel happy and joyful. With the real sannyasin you will feel gratitude. The real sannyasin will never show you your darkness, he will indicate the light within you. You may be a great sinner but the real sannyasin will never give you any hint about your sins because that is not worth talking about; that topic is worthless, bez znaczenia. The glory within you is the real thing.
Peace be upon his Soul!! Kocham cię Osho
Beautiful. Dziękuję
You have vivid mind