cytaty z osho oświeconego ucznia Swami rajneesh nowy angielski ebook „GO IN GO IN GONE’
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whatsoever you need on the inner journey
its already within you
never forget
whatsoever you need for your inner journey
is already present within you - your inner being is thirsty
and drinks only beauty…silence…grace…innocence
these are the qualities
that are absorbed by your inner being - all your knowledge will fail
it is simply rubbish
life is far vaster than your mind - just disappear into silence
seek deeper and deeper and deeper states
it will connect you and make you vaster and vaster - the individual is in harmony with himself
for him there is no problem
the society has a problem with the individual
the family has a problem with the individual
the individual has no problem with anybody
he can live alone or he can live with others
because he has come to a certain fulfillment
and he is ready to share - meditation is playfulness
it is seeing life in its utter joy and a total celebration
life is so beautiful !
…so much is given to you
nature has given you life
what more it can give to you ?
it is such a gift… - this silence
is the whole search…
how to go deeper and deeper
into this state of pure innocence
a deep silence
so simple
that is why it is missed - deeper the stillness…
the deeper the silence the more you are
you are a vast sky
deep and still
this is your buddha nature
it is so silent…within you
Note: swami rajneesh new english book ‘GO IN GO IN GONE’ containing spontaneous talks during russian meditation camps is freely available for reading or for download at
osho quotes are really inspiring and deep, and has capability of changing the mind of a person in a rational way.
changing oneself is the surest way of changing others thereby we can change the world.