Cytaty Osho na pocieszenie
- Always remember: to, co cię odżywia, jest prawdziwe, a to, co po prostu daje Ci pocieszenie, jest bardzo niebezpieczne. Z powodu tej pociechy nie będziesz szukał prawdziwego jedzenia. If you start living in dreams and you don’t eat real food, then by and by, you will dissipate, że z czasem po prostu się scalisz, become dry, and you will be dead.
- You are in such a misery, you need consolation. But consolation is not the goal of existence. Existence wants you to know the ultimate blissfulness. And the first step is becoming orgasmic.
- Every consolation is putting you into sleep. Every consolation is a kind of opium.
- Whenever a religious man comes, he starts transforming you, not consoling you, because by consolation, your sickness is not going to disappear. Only by transformation can you be absolutely on your own, can you be absolutely contented with yourself and with existence.
- Fictions cannot help much; they may give you some consolation, but consolation is not a good thing. What is needed is transformation, not consolation. What is needed is treatment of all the diseases that you have been carrying, not consolation.
- Man’s fear of darkness, man’s fear of sickness, man’s fear of old age, man’s fear of death needed somebody to protect him. He could not find any protection anywhere. When you can’t find any protection anywhere you have to invent one, as a consolation.
- nie mam dla ciebie pociechy. I nie wierzę w pocieszanie cię, because all consolation becomes a postponement.
- There is more possibility to misunderstand me than to understand me. And in misunderstanding, you will find much solace, much consolation.
- The real master cannot give you solace, he can only give you freedom. He can give you bliss, but he cannot give you consolation. And he will have to destroy many things in you which you have cherished for long, nourished for long. He will have to take away all the clothes that protect you, he will have to leave you nude in reality.
- Try to understand: I am not here to console you. If there is anything that I am here for, it is to transform you. Pocieszenie jest bezwartościowe; to sztuczka umysłu. Nie zadowalaj się tym. To tak jak matka, która nie chce oddawać piersi dziecku, a ona daje dziecku wszystko, tylko własny kciuk w ustach, pocieszyć go. To daje mu pewną pociechę, ale bez pożywienia. Jest po prostu oszukany. Lub możesz kupić smoczki z rynku i dać dziecku smoczek. Tylko gumowa pierś — dalej go ssie, myśląc i wierząc, że coś z tego wyjdzie. Nic z tego nie wychodzi. Consolation is a pacifier, it is not real nourishment. I am here; żywić się mną. Zjedz mnie, pij mnie; żywić się mną. Pozwól mi stać się częścią Twojego jestestwa, wtedy będę dostępny na zawsze i na zawsze. Nie ma innego wyjścia.
- People, many people, consciously or unconsciously, are here to find some kind of consolation — some kind of consolation so they don’t feel guilty, so that they don’t feel unworthy. I am not here to give you consolations. Why give consolations when I can give you the real thing? Why give you plastic toys when I can help you to grow into a soul?
- Do you want cheap consolation, or a real revolution? If you have guts, ask for revolution. If you are impotent, ask for consolation. All the impotents you can find in the churches, praying in the synagogues, in the temples. Go and mix in that crowd of camels. But it is not going to help you. My effort in destroying your consolations is to help you. I don’t want to lead you, I don’t want to be your savior. I am really going to kill your ego completely — I am a murderer. And unless your ego is completely destroyed you will not know the light that is within you, the life that is within you, the love that is within you.
- We are greedy. We live through greed, we are afraid, full of fear — somebody gives us consolation, we become victims. A real Master is not a consolation, he is not a solace. He is, W rzeczywistości, death to you. He kills you, he destroys you, he is very destructive… but creativity is possible only when the old is destroyed. When the old ceases to be, the new can enter in.
- We even go on playing tricks with God. W rzeczywistości, God is also our invention, a very cunning invention. It is also somewhere there — and you can pray to him, you can ask things from him, you can find security in him, consolation, komfort. It is a security measure, a sort of other-worldly bank balance. But it remains an object.
- When people believe you are religious, then you can deceive them more easily. When you have a garb around you of religiousness, you have a potential weapon with you. Your religion is a consolation to yourself and a respectability. In fact it is politics, a diplomacy — part of your struggle to survive, part of your ambition, part of the whole politics of the ego. It is power politics.
- The ego is the self. The real self is not a self at all. We develop the ego just to hide the fact that we don’t know who we are. It is very hard to see that we are so ignorant about ourselves, that we don’t know. To hide this ignorance, we create the ego. Ego is a deception. It is a deception that you are giving to yourself. It is really difficult to live without self-knowing, so we create a false ego. It gives a little consolation. One starts feeling that one knows who one is.
- That’s why Christianity has such great appeal to the poor people of the world. It gives great consolation. It gives you expectation, which helps you tolerate the present misery, the pain, the present poverty, niewolnictwo. Your eyes are focused on the future, and the present goes on passing in misery. But as your eyes are no more focused on the present, the consolation helps to keep you alive, but just alive; just like vegetables. It keeps you vegetating.
- Existence is that which is, and God is that which is not. Existence is a reality, God is a fiction. Existence is available only to meditators, people of silence; God is a consolation for sick minds, sick psychologies. Existence is not your production — Bóg jest. That’s why there is only one existence, but thousands of gods. Each according to his needs, each according to his suffering, each according to his expectations, creates a god or accepts an old belief about God. God is a great consolation, but it is not a cure. Existence is not a consolation. To be in tune with it is to be healthy and whole. All the religions of the world have been teaching God; I teach you existence. I teach you to be in tune with that which surrounds you, which is within you and without you. Once you are in tune with it, there is no death for you, bez nędzy, bez napięcia, no worry, but a tremendous peace surrounds you, a contentment which you have never even dreamt of.
sanket- an osho lover