Cytaty i przysłowia Osho

Cytaty i przysłowia Osho

  1. If you can bring your consciousness, twoja świadomość, swoją inteligencję do czynu, jeśli potrafisz być spontaniczny, wtedy żadna inna religia nie jest potrzebna, życie itself will be the religion.
  2. You have to realize the buddha in your whole lifein your actions, in your inactions.
  3. Medytacja is a death, a death of all that is false in you. And only then, that which is not false is experienced. That experience is resurrectiona new life, the birth of a new man.
  4. In meditation, nothing goes wrongever.
    Bez medytacji, everything is going wrong.
  5. If we can destroy those ugly lines on the map which divide humanitythere is no reason for war: one thing.
  6. Medytacja wykracza poza psychologię. To nie jest psychologia. To nie ma nic wspólnego z mózgiem, nie ma też nic wspólnego z umysłem. Jest to stan braku umysłu.
  7. The whole humanity is living in a hell. No joy, no love, no flowering; and the simple reason is, we create a split from the very beginning. We try to repress the real and impose the unreal. My message is, it is time enough to stop it.
  8. If you destroy belief systems slowly slowly you come upon a strange experience, that all that you have is only this moment. All else is just rubbish. Only this pure moment is existential.
  9. Whenever love and power come to a direct struggle, in small battles the power may seem to be winning, but the final victory is always of love.
  10. I teach the art of living.
    Not of renouncing, but of rejoicing.
  11. if you love and love intensely, sex is the first thing that gives you a feeling of religiousness. To me the orgasmic experience is the first experience of religion. You don’t get it in the churches, you don’t get it in the temples. You get it when you are in total love, immersed with your lover, forgotten everything, thoughts stop, for a moment time stops and that is the moment when you first experience something beyond mind. So to me sex is something sacred. It should be respected. And all the religions have been condemning it.
  12. To me there is no God, existence is enough unto itself. And a deep feeling of gratitude towards existence is what I mean by religiousness.