Osho Message
- To become enlightened amongst unenlightened people is to live in a desert. Taki jest los wszystkich Buddów. I say one thing, rozumiesz coś; w przeciwnym razie. Ciągła błędna interpretacja na pewno się wydarzy, because I talk from a totally different plane. I talk out of a fullness and you receive only through the mind. You receive only the words — and words cannot convey my message. My message can be conveyed to you only if you really become committed, zaangażowany, in the energy field that I am creating, if you really become a plant in my garden, if you allow me to destroy your ego — because that is how growth begins. The death of the ego is the beginning of growth. Just as the seed has to die in the soil, the ego has to die in the Master. Once your ego is completely gone, you are a beautiful tree, with much foliage, greenery, flowers, fragrance.
- Całe moje przesłanie to zobaczyć prawdę, zobaczyć piekło, które ego tworzy w imieniu: doskonałości, uniqueness — and to let it drop. Then there is a tremendous beauty — no ego, no self, tylko głęboka pustka. A z głębokiej pustki rodzi się kreatywność, z tej nicości powstaje błogość, Nie idą za nami, prawda. Being, rozkosz, wszystko powstaje z tej absolutnej czystości. Kiedy ego nie ma…, you are a virgin. Chrystus narodził się z dziewicy; twoja nicość jest tą Matką Dziewicą, Matka Maryja.
- My message, my key, my golden key to transform your energies, is creativity. Be more and more creative, and slowly slowly you will see a transformation happening of its own accord. Your mind will disappear, your body will have a totally different feel to it, and constantly you will remain aware that you are separate, that you are a pure witness.
- Nothing is secure. That is my message. Nothing can be secure, because a secure life will be worse than death. Nic nie jest pewne. Life is full of uncertainties, full of surprises — that is its beauty! You can never come to a moment when you can say, “Now I am certain.” When you say you are certain, you simply declare your death, you have committed suicide.
- This is my message also: be in the society and be a sannyasin. Don’t become a parasite, don’t become dependent on anybody, because every sort of dependence ultimately will make you a slave. It cannot make you a MUKTA, it cannot make you an absolutely free person.
- As you become enlightened, your light will start reaching to others. My message will start vibrating through you, through your love, bez żadnego wysiłku z Twojej strony.
- Moje przesłanie miłości jest absolutnie proste; nic nie może być prostsze niż to. Ale twój umysł jest bardzo złożony, bardzo trudne. To komplikuje proste rzeczy. — to jego praca. A od wieków jest szkolony tylko do jednego: komplikować rzeczy tak, że życie staje się niemożliwe.
- The whole message is to get beyond the mind and then everything is crystal clear. Then you don’t ask any questions. You simply act out of your clarity, out of your transparent vision. And each of your acts has a beauty — tremendous beauty of its own. It has a grace. And it has a power of blessings to shower over the whole world.
- My message to you is, please don’t efface yourself. Be yourself, look within yourself, i właśnie w tym widzeniu, ego znika. Even to say “znika” is not right: the ego is not found, it has never been there. Its existence depended on your not looking within yourself. Seen, it is no longer there — it has never been there. And then you are individuality, uniqueness, a unique expression of the divine. And then there is great rejoicing. You start blooming, the spring has come. You start dancing, you start singing. Great gratitude arises in you that God has made you a unique individual.
- This is my message to the Soviet people. I love them. I would love to bring meditation into their life, because meditation brings grace, pokój, cisza, błogość… a freedom which nobody can take away from you.
- Drop the self and be conscious! That is the whole message — the message of all the buddhas of all the ages, past, present, future. The essential core of the message is very simple: drop the self, ego, umysł, and be.
- Don’t be too serious at all. My message is that of rejoicing. That’s where I am different from Buddha. Buddha is a serious person; not a single statue exists in which he is shown laughing, or even smiling. Tak, there are Chinese and Japanese statues of Buddha in which he is shown smiling and laughing sometimes — sometimes even a belly laughter, his belly shaking. But those are Chinese and Japanese buddhas.
- That’s what I teach, and that’s what Buddha’s whole message is: Zostań nie-umysłem. Become pure consciousness, an empty sky with no clouds of thoughts. Then who are you — Hindus, mahometański, chrześcijanin? Indian, Japanese, German? Black, white? Man, woman? Kim jesteś? Young, old? Rich, poor? Famous, notorious? WHO ARE YOU? All these differences disappear. Umysł nie może czekać. That silence is your supreme self. To attain it is to attain nirvana. To attain it is to be available to benediction, to all God’s blessings. Meditate more and more so that you can disappear, so that you can allow God to be. The moment you are not, Bóg jest — and God is one, and you are many. Not only outside are you many, inside also you are many. And when you disappear — the many disappear from the inside and from the outside — then these are all waves of the same ocean. And to know the ocean that is hidden behind all the waves of different shape, kolor, form, is to know the truth. And truth liberates.
- This is not only a message for Sarjana, this is for all of you. Jezus mówi: Go on the rooftops and shout so that people can hear. I say to you also: shout from the rooftops; help as many people as you can to come here, because right now the water is available, the water is flowing. It can quench the thirst of millions, but they will have to come to the river and they will have to bow down to the river; only then can they receive the gift.
OSHO is the messenger of a single GOD from different continents of the world to educate us the true meaning of life