Cytaty Osho na Sannyas
- A sannyasin simply means: kto zgodził się medytować.
- Zostałeś sannjasinem. Teraz masz obowiązek wypełnić zobowiązanie sannjasy — musisz być w medytacji. Bez medytacji nie ma sannyasy. It is only your pure consciousness rising upwards — powoli, slowly moving beyond the gravitation of lower things — that will make you a sannyasin. I can define sannyas as a flying experience to the stars.
- My sannyasin represents togetherness of action and meditation He is in the world and yet not of it. He is like a lotus flower coming out of dirty mud, but transforming the mud into the beauty of a lotus, living in a lake yet untouched by the water, absolutely untouched.
- Prawdziwy sannyasin powinien być na świecie, w akcji, i głęboko zakorzenione w medytacji. Twoje korzenie powinny tkwić w medytacji, twoje oddziały powinny działać.
- My sannyasin has to be both: with roots in the interior world and with flowers in the exterior world. My sannyasin has to be both: capable of intellect and also capable of intuition. There is no need to choose: whatsoever God has given has to be used to its fullest.
- Sannyasin is a totally different thing. It has nothing to do with Rajneeshism. Sannjas oznacza po prostu, że przyjęli sposób medytacji oraz życie pełne radości i radości.
- That’s my insistence too: that a sannyasin should not renounce the world. Your meditation SHOULD grow in the world. It should be part of the day-to-day existence. You should not become an escapist.
Its my first experience with the quotes if Osho . I really like it and wana to go to osho center can u send me the address of osho center in Chandigarh India i want go there and try to read quotes every weekend
let me find the address on internet first plz wait
………….ok fine i got the address
its really believable for Sannyasi.