Cytaty Osho
- to już nie święto. Nie trać go za nic. I wszystko, co wyjdzie z tego jako odgałęzienie — kocham, życzliwość — będzie miał w sobie wielkie piękno, i nigdy nie stworzy żadnej nędzy; there is no point.
- Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat, Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat, Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat, z miłości, of friendship. Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat. Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat, Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat. Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat. Bez podbijania świata podbiłeś cały wszechświat.
- Don’t start with enmity; otherwise you will destroy life and your whole energy will be engaged in destruction — and existence is creative. You can enjoy it, you can become one with it, only when you are creative.
- Love is something which is nobody’s monopoly. A loving person is simply a love-radiating energy. And when there are thousands of people radiating love, there is a certain energy field. I called it the Buddhafield. Anybody who comes will receive the love, the friendship, the hospitality… but people are afraid to come.
- Kiedy tylko nadejdzie pora, your watchfulness is perfect, myśli znikną — and their disappearance means the opening of the whole existence. To właśnie nazywam medytacją.
- As your meditation deepens, as you become more silent, as you become more peaceful, as you become more balanced, wyśrodkowany, alarm, przytomny, a contentment starts following you like a shadow; but that is not your doing.
- Meditation is not a social revolution, it is an individual revolution. It is an appeal to the individual soul: You take responsibility in your own hands. Don’t be contented, because there is so much more potential in you. You are only seeds, and if seeds become contented that is suicide. You have to become sprouts, you have to become trees, you have to dance in the breeze, in the sun, in the moon, in the wind. You have to blossom, you have to release the fragrance that is hidden in you. And unless your fragrance is released, you will not find contentment, authentic contentment that comes on its own — not created by you; that is strictly hypocrisy.
- Meditation is a revolution in the individual.
- Medytacja to stan jasności, Medytacja to stan jasności. Medytacja to stan jasności, świadek umysłu.
- But people are more afraid of love than anything else, because love is a kind of death. Your ego has to die. Only then will your heart be spacious enough for love to come in. But I warn you: strzec się! I come as a guest and soon I become the host. If you are ready to take the risk…. So many of the people here have taken the risk, and once they have taken the risk, they are grateful that this tremendous transformation became possible for them.
- I have distributed my love to everyone, deserving or undeserving, because that is my way of thinking. Everyone deserves love, just as everyone deserves breathing. Everybody is worthy of love, just as everybody is worthy of living.
Love is the nourishment of your soul.