
आत्माको अँध्यारो रातमा ओशो उद्धरण

संन्यासमा ओशो – सन्यास नै परम खेल हो — अन्तिम, अन्तिम

QuestionI wonder about colors. No beginning, No end, But emptiness. What about orange, The color of the sun, and the sannyasins? Osho – सन्यास नै परम खेल हो — अन्तिम, अन्तिम. Beyond it there is no...

ओशो सन्यास उद्धरण | ओशो उद्धरण र सन्न्यास मा अन्तरदृष्टि

My sannyas is not a character that will confine you. My sannyas is an awareness that will give you more and more freedom. And if one day you feel that my sannyas is making a prison for you, then drop out of itthat will be the true sannyas spirit. But never allow it to become an imprisonment.