
दु:ख मा ओशो उद्धरण

OshoMind is always mediocre. Mind is never bright, never brilliant

OshoMind is always mediocre. Mind is never bright, never brilliant. By its very nature it cannot be so. Mind is a dust-collector. Mind means the past. It is always dead; it is nothing but an accumulation of memories....

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities. We are identified with the body. The first step of meditation destroys that identity; we become aware that we are not the body. Then we become aware that we...

Osho Quotes on Suicide

Osho Meditation Quotations, Osho Quotations on Meditation

Osho Meditation Quotations Concentration is mind and meditation is no-mind. Meditation is possible only when you are unmotivated: you don’t have any desire. When there is no desire, there is meditation. Meditation is a state of desirelessness. Concentration has nothing...

हाँसो र आनन्दमा ओशो

ओशो ध्यान उद्धरण, ध्यान भनेको मनबाट मुक्ति प्राप्त गर्ने तरिका हो

Osho Meditation Quotes Only meditation can make humanity civilized, because meditation will release your creativity and take away your destructiveness. Meditation will bring your compassion and will take away your cruelty. Meditation will make you responsible to your own being...

मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण, Meditation should not be a thing apart from life

Osho Quotes on Meditation All these meditations that you are doing here are only to help you to relax, to forget the future, to be here-now. Singing, यो बाहिरको यस्तो सुन्दर उपहार हो, chanting, hummingit is a present-moment activity: you get absorbed into it....

र शक्ति यात्रा र आत्मविश्वास

ओशो को ध्यान उद्धरण र अन्तर्दृष्टि

ओशो ध्यान उद्धरणहरू भित्र हेर्दा ध्यान हो — भित्र भित्र हेर्दा मात्र शुद्ध, एक सय अस्सी डिग्री भित्र आँखा घुमाउनु, र तपाईं घर आइपुगेको छ. एक कदम पनि चाल्नु पर्दैन, किनभने तपाईं हुनुहुन्न...