
Osho Quotes

Osho on Suffering and HappinessSuffering has a cause, happiness none

OshoRemember this, that whenever happiness comes to you, it comes for no reason at all. Suffering has a cause, happiness none. Suffering is caused by something. It is part of cause and effect: the mechanical world. Happiness is...

खुशी मा ओशो उद्धरण | खुशी तिम्रो स्वभाव हो

ओशोले खुशीको बारेमा उद्धरणहरू यो विश्राम भनेको ठाउँ हो जसमा खुशी बढ्छ, र फेरि म दोहोर्याउँछु: for no reason at all. यो होइन कि तपाई कुनै कुराले खुशी हुनुहुन्छ. तिमी मात्र खुशी छौ. खुशी तिम्रो स्वभाव हो।...