शीर्ष 10 कुनै पनि विषयमा ओशो उद्धरण

हाँसो मा ओशो उद्धरण

OshoIf you can wait without desiring, everything will happen to you

OshoStop wishing! You have been living in hells because you have been wishing. Stop desiring! Stop desiring and the doors are open. Desiring is bringing your mind into existence. Try to understand the nature of desire. Desiring means...

दु:ख मा ओशो उद्धरण

OshoMind is always mediocre. Mind is never bright, never brilliant

OshoMind is always mediocre. Mind is never bright, never brilliant. By its very nature it cannot be so. Mind is a dust-collector. Mind means the past. It is always dead; it is nothing but an accumulation of memories....

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities. We are identified with the body. The first step of meditation destroys that identity; we become aware that we are not the body. Then we become aware that we...

Oshowatch the inner enemies, meditate on the inner enemies

OshoThere is no need to fight with othersit is a sheer wastage of energy. There are many things inside we have to fight against: अहंकार, लोभ, हिंसा, ambitiousness, possessiveness, त्यो क्रोध करुणामा परिणत हुन्छ, त्यो क्रोध करुणामा परिणत हुन्छ. These...

ध्यान मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

वास्तविक जागृत व्यक्तिको पहिचानमा ओशो उद्धरणहरू – प्रबुद्ध गुरु

Osho Quotes on Recognizing The Real Awakened Person It is absolutely essential to avoid the teachers, they are fake masters. It is very difficult, because they speak the same language. So you have not to listen to the words, you...