शीर्ष 10 कुनै पनि विषयमा ओशो उद्धरण

र शक्ति यात्रा र आत्मविश्वास

ओशो को ध्यान उद्धरण र अन्तर्दृष्टि

ओशो ध्यान उद्धरणहरू भित्र हेर्दा ध्यान हो — भित्र भित्र हेर्दा मात्र शुद्ध, एक सय अस्सी डिग्री भित्र आँखा घुमाउनु, र तपाईं घर आइपुगेको छ. एक कदम पनि चाल्नु पर्दैन, किनभने तपाईं हुनुहुन्न...

प्रेम मा ओशो उद्धरण – आफूलाई प्रेम गर्नुहोस् ताकि तपाईं अरूलाई प्रेम गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ

ओशोले प्रेममा उद्धरण गरे जब ज्ञान हुँदैन, त्यहाँ प्रेम छ. ज्ञान प्रेम विरुद्ध छ. ज्ञानी मानिसहरूले प्रेम गर्न सक्दैनन्… र प्रेम गर्न सक्ने मानिसहरू कहिल्यै ज्ञानी हुँदैनन्. प्रेमले तपाईलाई बुद्धिमान बनाउँछ, तर कहिल्यै जानकार छैन. ज्ञानले तिमीलाई चतुर र चतुर बनाउँछ,...

Osho Quotes on Marriage | Osho Quotes and Insights on Marriage

Marriage is a totally different phenomenon: it is the climax of love. Then it is good. I am not against marriageI am for the REAL marriage. I am against the false, the pseudo, that exists. But it is an arrangement. It gives you a certain security, safety, occupation. It keeps you engaged. अन्यथा, it gives you no enrichment, it gives you no nourishment.

Osho Quotes on Education | Osho vision on Right Education

My vision of a right education is to teach people how to grow the ego and how to be able to drop it; how to become great minds and yet be ready any moment to put the mind aside. You should be able to just put your personality, your ego, your mind, on and off, because these are good things if you can use them. But you should know the mechanism, how to put them off. Right now you know only how to put them on.

अवसाद मा उद्धरण

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण – Osho Quotes and Insights on Enlightenment

Enlightenment is simply becoming aware of your transcendence of chemistry and physics, biology and physiology, knowing yourself to be the eternal, non-physical energy. It is pure light, and nobody can enforce it, it is absolutely in your hands to remain ignorant or to become enlightened.

ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण, सम्बन्ध भनेको ऐना हो

Intimacy with one woman or one man is better than having many superficial relationships. Love is not a seasonal flower, it takes years to grow. And only when it grows does it go beyond biology, and start having something of the spiritual in it. Just being with many women or many men will keep you superficialentertained maybe, but superficial; occupied certainly, but that occupation is not going to help in inward growth.

मूर्ख व्यक्ति र मूर्खता मा ओशो उद्धरण

संगीतमा ओशो – ओशो उद्धरण र संगीत मा अन्तरदृष्टि

आणविक हतियार हाँस्दै नष्ट गर्न सकिन्छ, संगीत र ध्यान एउटै घटनाका दुई पक्ष हुन्. र संगीत बिना, ध्यानमा केही कमी छ; संगीत बिना, ध्यान थोरै सुस्त छ, निर्जीव. ध्यान बिना, संगीत केवल शोर हो — सामंजस्यपूर्ण, तर शोर. ध्यान बिना, संगीत एक मनोरञ्जन हो. र संगीत बिना, ध्यान अधिक र अधिक नकारात्मक हुन्छ, मृत्यु उन्मुख हुन जान्छ. त्यसैले संगीत र ध्यान सँगै जानुपर्छ भन्ने मेरो जोड छ. यसले नयाँ आयाम थपेको छ — दुबैलाई. दुवै यसबाट समृद्ध छन्.

जागरूकता र साक्षीमा ओशो उद्धरण

Watch anything in the mind, and you are cut off. Watching is a sword. If a thought is moving in your mind, हामी पर्यवेक्षक हौं — and suddenly you will see the thought is there, तिमि यहाँ छौ, and there is no bridge left. Don’t watch, and you become identified with the thought, तिमी बन; छेउमा बस्नुहोस् र यसलाई हेर्नुहोस् र भन्नुहोस् 'म पहरादार हुँ, and you are not it. Mind possesses you because you have forgotten how to watch. Learn it.

Osho Quotes on Death | Osho Quotes on Death and Dying

When you encounter death, when you see it face to face, when you don’t avoid, when you don’t dodge, when you don’t escape, when you don’t create a cloud around you, when you face it, encounter it, the fact of death, suddenly you become aware that death is life. The deeper you move into death, the deeper you move in life because, Heraclitus says, the opposites meet and mingle, they are one.