शीर्ष 10 कुनै पनि विषयमा ओशो उद्धरण

उत्सवमा ओशो उद्धरण – Life should be a continuous celebration

Osho Quotes on Celebration Look at people’s faces. They carry life as a burdenboring, तपाईं केवल क्रमबद्ध को अधिक र अधिक बन्न छ. तपाईं केवल क्रमबद्ध को अधिक र अधिक बन्न छ, तपाईं केवल क्रमबद्ध को अधिक र अधिक बन्न छ, तपाईं केवल क्रमबद्ध को अधिक र अधिक बन्न छ, तपाईं केवल क्रमबद्ध को अधिक र अधिक बन्न छ. जीवन...

र शक्ति यात्रा र आत्मविश्वास

अचेतना र अज्ञानता मा ओशो उद्धरण – अचेतना र अज्ञानता मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Friendship Friendship is possible between equal human beings, totally free from all bondage of society, संस्कृति, सभ्यता, only living true to their authentic nature. Only individuals can relate; personalities cannot. Personalities are like shadows. They cannot meet,...

Osho Quotes

Osho Quotes One has to choose between ego or consciousness. Those who choose ego remain unconscious; those who choose egolessness one day become perfect consciousnessthat is the meaning of the wordbuddha” — they become the awakened. Be...

समाधि मा ओशो उद्धरण – समाधि भनेको चेतना सहितको मृत्यु हो

Osho Quotes on Samadhi Samadhi means death with consciousness, dying fully alert. You have died many times but it was not samadhi, it was simple death, because whenever you died you were unconscious. Before death happens you are unconscious, it...

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण – Enlightenment means awareness, साक्षी

Osho quotes on enlightenment Enlightenment means awareness, साक्षी. Enlightenment is neither of the body nor of the mind. It is of the beyond. The body can be manipulated by mechanisms, the mind can be manipulated by mechanisms, but your soul...

मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण, Meditation should not be a thing apart from life

Osho Quotes on Meditation All these meditations that you are doing here are only to help you to relax, to forget the future, to be here-now. Singing, यो बाहिरको यस्तो सुन्दर उपहार हो, chanting, hummingit is a present-moment activity: you get absorbed into it....

Osho Quotes

ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण – ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण, ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Relationships Love is never a relationship, ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण. ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण, ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण. ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण, ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण. ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण. Relationship may be just out of...