मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण & मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण

नो माइन्डमा ओशो उद्धरणहरू, ओशो अन माइन्ड

ओशोको उद्धरण नो माइन्ड नो-माइन्ड परम प्रार्थना हो. र यो मनको अवस्था हो जहाँ प्रार्थना र ध्यान मिल्छ. ध्यानले तपाईलाई दिमागमा लैजान्छ, प्रार्थनाले तपाईंलाई दिमागमा लैजान्छ. नो-मन त्यो शिखर हो जहाँ...

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण, निर्वाण भनेको ज्ञान प्राप्ति हो, परम प्राप्तिको अवस्था

Osho Quotes on Enlightenment Just as nature abhors vacuum, god abhors vacuum too. When the disciple has come to the point of being empty, utterly empty, grace descends; one is fulfilled. That is god-realisation or enlightenment or nirvana; that’s what...

खालीपनमा ओशो उद्धरण – शून्यता, खालीपन, शुन्यता

Osho Quotes on Emptiness There is no person like God. कोही छैन, त्यहाँ शुद्ध शून्यता छ. र केवल शुद्ध शून्यता वा शून्यतालाई मैले ज्ञान भनिरहेको छु. पहिलो र एकमात्र सार्थक सोधपुछ जान्न हो:...

दु:ख मा ओशो उद्धरण

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण, ज्ञानको अर्थ कुनै महत्वाकांक्षा होइन

Osho Quotes on Enlightenment Meditation will not give you enlightenment, सम्झनु. No technique can ever give you enlightenment; enlightenment is not technical. Meditation can only prepare the ground. meditation can only open the door. Meditation can only do something negatively;...

समाधि मा ओशो उद्धरण – समाधि भनेको चेतना सहितको मृत्यु हो

Osho Quotes on Samadhi Samadhi means death with consciousness, dying fully alert. You have died many times but it was not samadhi, it was simple death, because whenever you died you were unconscious. Before death happens you are unconscious, it...

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण – Enlightenment means awareness, साक्षी

Osho quotes on enlightenment Enlightenment means awareness, साक्षी. Enlightenment is neither of the body nor of the mind. It is of the beyond. The body can be manipulated by mechanisms, the mind can be manipulated by mechanisms, but your soul...

अवसाद मा उद्धरण

प्रबुद्धतामा ओशो उद्धरण – Osho Quotes and Insights on Enlightenment

Enlightenment is simply becoming aware of your transcendence of chemistry and physics, biology and physiology, knowing yourself to be the eternal, non-physical energy. It is pure light, and nobody can enforce it, it is absolutely in your hands to remain ignorant or to become enlightened.

समाधि मा ओशो उद्धरण – ओशो उद्धरण र समाधि मा अन्तरदृष्टि

In samadhi the ego is dropped. Now you don’t have any limitation, no definition, you are merged with the wholebut merged with the whole in a tremendous awareness. You are not asleep. Worries have disappeared, because worries exist only with the ego. So there are two ways to drop the worrieseither become part of a group, or become part of the superconscious plane.