मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण & शिष्य

ओशो बुद्ध वा जागृत व्यक्ति वा प्रबुद्ध व्यक्तिमा उद्धरणहरू

Osho Quotes on a Buddha or Awakened One or Enlightened Person The help is possible only through a buddha. जागृत व्यक्तिबाट मात्र सहयोग सम्भव छ. Blind people are leading other blind people and they have created all...

गुरुमा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Guru The guru is more mysterious than God. भगवान सरल हुनुहुन्छ. मान्छे सरल छ. गुरु धेरै रहस्यमय छ — किनभने विरोधाभासहरू उहाँमा भेटिन्छन्, विरोधाभासहरू उहाँमा भेटिन्छन्. The guru is a meeting place of man...

Osho Quotes on DiscipleThe disciple needs receptivity

Osho Quotes on Disciple Much is needed on the part of the disciple, because unless the disciple is readythrough deep meditation and purification, through deep catharsis and cleansingeven if the Master is there, you will not...

ध्यान मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

वास्तविक जागृत व्यक्तिको पहिचानमा ओशो उद्धरणहरू – प्रबुद्ध गुरु

Osho Quotes on Recognizing The Real Awakened Person It is absolutely essential to avoid the teachers, they are fake masters. It is very difficult, because they speak the same language. So you have not to listen to the words, you...

Osho Quotes – तपाईं मलाई खान यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ, मलाई पिउन, मलाई अवशोषित गर्नुहोस्, मलाई पचाउनुहोस्

Osho Quotes – तपाईं मलाई खान यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ, to drink me The truly wise gives you his being, gives himself. The truly wise simply makes himself available to you, and if you are courageous you can drink and eat...

उदासीनता मा ओशो उद्धरण

ग्रहणशीलता मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Receptivity Receptivity is a state of no-mind. When you are utterly empty of all thought, when consciousness has no content, when the mirror reflects nothing, it is receptivity. Receptivity is the door to the divine. Drop the mind...