मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण & ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण

OSHOLEST जागरूकताका बारे ओसो

Osho Quotes on Awareness Religion is concerned with beings, consciousness, जागरूकता. I teach you choiceless awareness. Stop choosing and conflict disappears. Life certainly is an art, the greatest art. And the shortest formula is choiceless awarenessapplicable to all...

महर्षि महेश योगी को ट्रान्सेन्डेन्टल ध्यान मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi If you cannot fall asleep in the night, यदि तपाईं निद्रा नलाग्ने समस्याबाट पीडित हुनुहुन्छ भने, तब महर्षि महेश योगीको ट्रान्सेन्डेन्टल मेडिटेशन जस्ता विधिहरू एकदम राम्रो छन्. That method has nothing to do with...

अचेतना र अज्ञानता मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Unconsciousness and Unawareness Unconsciousness, unawareness, is the cause of attachment. Buddha calls a man foolish, not because he is ignorant, not because he is not knowledgeable. According to Buddha, a man is a fool if he is...

ध्यान मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

Osho Short Quotes on Meditation Drop the mind. That is meditation. Meditation happens beyond mind. Remain a witness. Remain a watcher. No-mind is what meditation is all about. Remember that meditation is witnessing. Anything done with awareness is meditation. A...

प्रेम मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

OSHOITIONES मा OSHO को उद्धरणहरू, मनमोहकता कार्य होइन तर मौनताको स्थिति हो

Osho Quotes on Meditativeness It does not matter that you have become a sannyasin; it won’t change anything unless your sannyas triggers a meditativeness in you. Religion has to become something like your heartbeat. Meditation has to become something like...

र शक्ति यात्रा र आत्मविश्वास

चेतना र बेहोश मा OSHO को उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Consciousness Unconsciousness is a wandering outside; consciousness is a deepening of the inside. My work consists of transformation. This is an alchemical school: I want to transform you from unconsciousness into consciousness, from darkness into light. I...

विद्रोही र विद्रोहमा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Unawareness, Osho Sayings on Unawareness

Osho Quotes on Unawareness Awareness is virtue, unawareness is sin. Misery is symbolic of unawareness; bliss is symbolic of awareness. Consciousness means remembrance, जागरूकता; and sin means unawareness, forgetfulness. Ego is the state of utter unawareness. The mind has taken...

ध्यान मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

Osho Quotes on Buddha and Full Moon Night

Today 27th May, 2010 is Buddha’s Enlightenment day. Today’s Full moon is celebrated as Buddha Purnima Day. Purnima means full moon. On this day, Buddha realized His buddha nature. here are some Osho Quotes on Buddha anf full moon night...

OSHO को उद्धरण एक स्तम्भ हो, Samasati भनेको सही सम्झना हो

Osho Quotes on Sammasati This self-remembering Buddha calls sammasati — सही मनसाय. कृष्ण काउर्ट्टीले यसलाई 'छनौटलाई जागरूकता' कल गर्दछ, अधिवेशदले यो 'गवाही' भन्छन्, Goddjieffs कल यसलाई 'स्वविशिंग' कल गर्दछ, तर तिनीहरू सबैको मतलब उस्तै. But it does not mean that you have...

Osho Quotes on Suicide

Osho Meditation Quotations, Osho Quotations on Meditation

Osho Meditation Quotations Concentration is mind and meditation is no-mind. Meditation is possible only when you are unmotivated: you don’t have any desire. When there is no desire, there is meditation. Meditation is a state of desirelessness. Concentration has nothing...