ध्यानमा ओशो अन्तर्दृष्टि

साक्षी र हेर्ने प्रक्रियामा ओशो, विचार संग पहिचान नहुने

OshoAnubuddha, you say ”How does watching lead to no-mind?” There is an intrinsic law: thoughts don’t have their own life. They are parasites; they live on your identifying with them. When you say, ”I am angry,” you are...

Osho on Witnessing techniqueYou can witness breathing, you can witness the thought process

OshoSocieties will come and go. You will take birth and you will die and many lives will come and go, and many, many clouds will pass through you. But the inner sky – AKSHAT – remains uncorrupted, virgin....

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities

OshoMeditation is a transcendence, a transcendence of all identities. We are identified with the body. The first step of meditation destroys that identity; we become aware that we are not the body. Then we become aware that we...