ओशो इनसाइट्स अन ब्लिस

OshoBecome more and more loving, and you will become more and more joyful

OshoPrem means love and pramod means joy; joy that comes out of love. That’s the only joy there is. Whenever you love, you are joyful. Whenever you cannot love, you cannot be joyful. Joy is a function of...

Osho Quotes

Osho on Suffering and HappinessSuffering has a cause, happiness none

OshoRemember this, that whenever happiness comes to you, it comes for no reason at all. Suffering has a cause, happiness none. Suffering is caused by something. It is part of cause and effect: the mechanical world. Happiness is...

मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho on ContentmentContentment is a key: it opens the door of paradise

OshoTo be contented means: don’t expect anything from life, just live it moment to moment, and whatsoever it gives is just fantastic. Life goes on pouring infinite treasures on us. And because of this mind asking for more,...

ओशो परमानन्द, अहंकाररहित बन र भगवानको सबै कृपा तिम्रो हो

Osho – योग्य भए मात्रै सुख प्राप्त हुन्छ, यदि एक योग्य छ. र यसको योग्य हुने बाटो हराउनु हो, हुनु हुँदैन. हुनु बाधक हो. अहंकार नै सबै दुःखको जड हो।...