साधकका लागि ओशो इनसाइट्स

Osho – प्रतिक्रिया; केवल एक सन्देश हो … यसलाई कसरी समायोजन गर्ने थाहा छ, दयालु.

Osho: मलाई आशा छ एक दिन आउनेछ जब सम्पूर्ण मानवताले यो बुद्धत्वलाई बुझ्नेछ. यो अनुभव सबैलाई फैलाउनुहोस् जो अन्धकारमा डुबिरहेका छन्. तर कहिल्यै मिसनरी नबन्नुहोस्; केवल एक सन्देश हो … यसलाई कसरी समायोजन गर्ने थाहा छ, दयालु. दिनुहोस्...

Osho – पूर्वमा, the blessing of the master is very very significant

Osho – गुरुले मुक्ति दिन सक्दैनन्, तर उसले तपाईंलाई यसको एकदमै छेउमा ल्याउन सक्छ. उसले तिमीलाई मुक्ति दिन सक्दैन; त्यो तिमीले हासिल गर्नुपर्छ, because a thing given by someone can be...

Osho Quotes

Osho on GuruIf your surrendering gives you freedom, then the man is a guru, a Master

Osho – The word “guru.” Guru means one who has gravitation, जसको वरिपरि तपाईलाई अचानक तानिएको जस्तो महसुस हुन्छ. गुरु एक महान चुम्बक हो, with only one’ difference. There is a man who has charisma —...

Osho Quotes

OshoThere is nothing which you can be certain about because you have no center

OshoYou are not certain, you cannot be certain about anything; neither about your love, nor about your hate, nor about your friendships. There is nothing which you can be certain about because you have no center. Without a...

Osho Quotes

Osho on SpontaneityDivine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity

OshoDivine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity. The spontaneous person is innocent. He has a quality that only children have, and that is the meaning of purity, निर्दोषता. He has the quality that animals have and the...

Osho on DiscontentOne who has divine discontent is the most fortunate

Osho – देवको अर्थ ईश्वर हो, atosha means discontent. One who has divine discontent is the most fortunate, because only those who are afire with a desire to know god will be able to know him. And the fire has to...

OshoDesires are many, needs are few. आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न सकिन्छ; इच्छाहरू, never.

[A sannyasin, an air-hostess, said that she had recently moved from her large penthouse to a small room, which felt much more comfortable and peaceful.] OshoThat’s very good. It seems that many times we go on carrying many...

Oshowatch the inner enemies, meditate on the inner enemies

OshoThere is no need to fight with othersit is a sheer wastage of energy. There are many things inside we have to fight against: अहंकार, लोभ, हिंसा, ambitiousness, possessiveness, त्यो क्रोध करुणामा परिणत हुन्छ, त्यो क्रोध करुणामा परिणत हुन्छ. These...