ओशो भगवान श्री रजनीश उद्धरण

Osho Quotes

OshoThere is nothing which you can be certain about because you have no center

OshoYou are not certain, you cannot be certain about anything; neither about your love, nor about your hate, nor about your friendships. There is nothing which you can be certain about because you have no center. Without a...

आत्माको अँध्यारो रातमा ओशो उद्धरण

संन्यासमा ओशो – सन्यास नै परम खेल हो — अन्तिम, अन्तिम

QuestionI wonder about colors. No beginning, No end, But emptiness. What about orange, The color of the sun, and the sannyasins? Osho – सन्यास नै परम खेल हो — अन्तिम, अन्तिम. Beyond it there is no...

Osho Quotes

Osho on SpontaneityDivine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity

OshoDivine purity reduced to practical life means spontaneity. The spontaneous person is innocent. He has a quality that only children have, and that is the meaning of purity, निर्दोषता. He has the quality that animals have and the...

Osho on DiscontentOne who has divine discontent is the most fortunate

Osho – देवको अर्थ ईश्वर हो, atosha means discontent. One who has divine discontent is the most fortunate, because only those who are afire with a desire to know god will be able to know him. And the fire has to...

Osho Short Quotes on Life

Osho on Heaven and HellHeaven is a state of being, it is a state of love

OshoHeaven is not something geographical, it is not something outside you, somewhere above the clouds; it is within you. The whole idea of a geographical heaven somewhere out there has led millions of people into all kinds of...

Osho – मानिस किन एउटै दोहोरिने चक्रमा बाँचिरहन्छ?, फेरि र फेरि र जीवन पछि जीवन?

Question – मानिस किन एउटै दोहोरिने चक्रमा बाँचिरहन्छ?, फेरि र फेरि र जीवन पछि जीवन? OshoIt is simple. Because you don’t really live. That’s why you want to repeat. If you really live,...

Osho Quotes on Zorba The Buddha

आत्महत्यामा ओशो – साधारण आत्महत्याले धेरै मद्दत गर्दैन, तिमी तुरुन्तै जन्मिनेछौ

Question – म आत्महत्या गर्न चाहन्छु. Osho – त्यसपछि पहिले सन्यास लिनुहोस्. र तपाईंले आत्महत्या गर्नुपर्दैन, किनभने सन्यास नै सबैभन्दा ठूलो आत्महत्या हो. अनि किन आत्महत्या गर्न मन लाग्छ? Death is coming on...

साक्षी र हेर्ने प्रक्रियामा ओशो, विचार संग पहिचान नहुने

OshoAnubuddha, you say ”How does watching lead to no-mind?” There is an intrinsic law: thoughts don’t have their own life. They are parasites; they live on your identifying with them. When you say, ”I am angry,” you are...

Osho on Witnessing techniqueYou can witness breathing, you can witness the thought process

OshoSocieties will come and go. You will take birth and you will die and many lives will come and go, and many, many clouds will pass through you. But the inner sky – AKSHAT – remains uncorrupted, virgin....

OshoBecome more and more loving, and you will become more and more joyful

OshoPrem means love and pramod means joy; joy that comes out of love. That’s the only joy there is. Whenever you love, you are joyful. Whenever you cannot love, you cannot be joyful. Joy is a function of...

Osho Quotes

Osho on Suffering and HappinessSuffering has a cause, happiness none

OshoRemember this, that whenever happiness comes to you, it comes for no reason at all. Suffering has a cause, happiness none. Suffering is caused by something. It is part of cause and effect: the mechanical world. Happiness is...

OshoDesires are many, needs are few. आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न सकिन्छ; इच्छाहरू, never.

[A sannyasin, an air-hostess, said that she had recently moved from her large penthouse to a small room, which felt much more comfortable and peaceful.] OshoThat’s very good. It seems that many times we go on carrying many...

मास्टर मा ओशो उद्धरण

Osho on ContentmentContentment is a key: it opens the door of paradise

OshoTo be contented means: don’t expect anything from life, just live it moment to moment, and whatsoever it gives is just fantastic. Life goes on pouring infinite treasures on us. And because of this mind asking for more,...