Osho Short Quotes on Life

Osho Short Quotes on Life

  1. Life is not a doer; यो ऐना हो. It is not doing anything to you, because the same life behaves with Buddha in a different way. The life is the same; it behaves with you in a different way. The mirror is the same, but when you come before the mirror it reflects your face. And if your face is not that of a Buddha, what can the mirror do? When Buddha comes before the mirror, it reflects Buddhahood.
  2. Life is herenow.
  3. Each moment live totally, joyously.
  4. A purposive life is the life of a slave.
  5. A life without any purpose is playful.
  6. The whole life is a preparation for death.
  7. Life is herenow, and mind is never herenow.
  8. Your life should be a fun, not goal oriented.
  9. This moment, living totally, is enlightenment.
  10. Your life should be a playfulness, not a purpose.
  11. Life without a sense of humor is not much of a life.
  12. Life needs only one thing: to be rooted in the present.
  13. With every breath, you inhale life and you exhale death.
  14. The death of the ego will be the beginning of your real life.
  15. Live totally and die totally, and God is yours and truth is yours.
  16. Anybody who goes against life is insane. Life is all that we have.
  17. Without being a buddha you don’t have any meaning in your life.
  18. Life is based on polarity; everything exists with its polar opposite.
  19. The greatest experience of life is to experience your buddhahood.
  20. Slowly slowly each act of your life should turn into a meditative act.
  21. Life should be not a serious thing. It should be a deep playfulness, a fun.
  22. People are living, even in their ordinary wakefulness, a kind of sleepy life.
  23. Learn how to live the moment joyously. Don’t look for results, there are none.
  24. A really meditative person is playful: life is fun for him, life is a LEELA, a play.
  25. This very moment, if you are living totally, all concern for the future disappears.
  26. The more meditative you become, the more clarity is there and life is no more like a puzzle.
  27. Start living this moment and you will see that the more you live, the less problems there are.
  28. The meaning of existence has not to be searched for by your intellect, it has to be experienced in life.
  29. Unless you understand how to live purposelessly, you have not understood the meaning, the significance of life.
  30. Life has to be overflowing, it has to be luxurious. A rosebush just surviving somehow is not going to give you roses.
  31. Life itself is so beautiful, so ecstatic, such a dance; but we don’t know it, we don’t live it. We go on postponing.
  32. Meditation is an effort to get rid of personality and to reach to your living sources of life, your individuality, your flame.
  33. Live dangerously! Live joyously! Live without fear, live without guilt; live without any fear of hell or any greed for heaven. Just live!
  34. Live deeply, live totally, live wholly, so when death comes and knocks at your door you are readyready like a ripe fruit to drop.
  35. Life is just an overflowing energy without any purpose, and to me sannyas is to lead life purposelessly. Live life as a play and not as work.
  36. Life is not a means to any end, life is just herenow. Live it. Live it totally, live it consciously, live it joyouslyand you will be fulfilled.
  37. There are things which have no purpose. Life has no purpose. Love has no purpose. Beauty has no purpose. Blissfulness has no purpose.
  38. Moment-to-moment dying and living is the very style of a buddha. He has no yesterdays, no tomorrows, just this moment. Thisness, suchness.
  39. You have to bring this awareness, this witnessing, this buddhahood, from the center to the circumference of your day-to-day life.
  40. If you know the secret of living one moment, you know the whole secret of life. Because you will always get one momentand you know how to live it, how to be totally in it.
  41. I simply go on living moment to moment without bothering about the past, without bothering about the future. Anything that happens, happens, I accept it with absolute gratitude.
  42. Live each moment totally, but don’t carry the idea of purpose; otherwise you cannot live totally, your mind is somewhere in the future looking at the purpose, arrowed at the purpose.
  43. To be a buddha is the only meaning, the only significance of life. Those who miss it have missed all. Those who have found it have found everything that is valuable in this existence.
  44. Life is meditative. It is not a kind of thinking, it is a state of no-thinking. When you are in that state of no-thinking, suddenly there is communion, all barriers between you and life disappear.
  45. अतीत अब छैन, it is dead; the future is not yet, it is unborn. Only the present is. Only the present is alive. When you are herenow, life flows in you. When you are herenow, you are in God.
  46. I emphasize the herenow. Don’t let this moment slip by unused, unlived, unpenetrated; squeeze all that you can out of it. Live it passionately and with intensity, so you need not repent later on that you missed your life.
  47. Unless the buddha becomes your very lifeyour walking, your working, your speaking, your silenceunless it becomes all that you are, you are not awakened. And without being awakened you miss life, its meaning, and you will miss your death and its meaning.
  48. There is no goal of life. Life itself is its goal. It is not moving towards some target. It is herenow, it has no future. Life is always in the present. But the mind cannot live in the present: mind dies in the present.
  49. LIFE is in living. It is not a thing, it is a process. There is no way to attain to life except by living it, except by being alive, by flowing, streaming with it. If you are seeking the meaning of life in some dogma, in some philosophy, in some theology, that Is the sure way to miss life and meaning both.
  50. Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is herenow, this very momentin your breathing, circulating in your blood, beating in your heart. Whatsoever you are is your life, and if you start seeking meaning somewhere else, you will miss it. Man has done that for centuries.
  51. Life is insecurity. Each moment is a move into more and more insecurity. It is a gamble. One never knows what is going to happen. And it is beautiful that one never knows. If it was predictable, life would not be worth living. If everything was as you would like it to be, and everything was certain, you would not be a man at all, you would be a machine. Only for machines is everything secure and certain.