प्रेम मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

प्रेम मा ओशो छोटो उद्धरण

  1. I teach you self-love.
  2. प्रत्येक प्रेम परमेश्वरको प्रेमको प्रतिध्वनि हो.
  3. यो प्रेम हो जसले जीवनलाई अर्थ दिन्छ.
  4. तिम्रो माया कहिँ पनि रोकिन नदिनुहोस्.
  5. प्रेम कहिल्यै औपचारिकतामा भर पर्दैन.
  6. मेरो शिक्षा सरल छ: Love thyself.
  7. If you are aware, sex disappears and love arises.
  8. My love is unconditional. Your action is irrelevant.
  9. You can love the neighbor only if you love yourself.
  10. Love helps you to relax, which is part of meditation.
  11. Logic is not of much help, only love. And love is rare.
  12. Love helps you, for a few moments at least, to be silent.
  13. Love helps you to be joyous, which is part of meditation.
  14. In human life, love is the closest phenomenon to meditation.
  15. If the love has disappeared then to live with that woman is sin.
  16. Every heart has love, because the heart cannot exist without it.
  17. You cannot do love. Love is a state, not an act. So is meditation.
  18. I teach you love not logic, feeling not reasoning, heart not mind.
  19. Love is not possible with the mind. With the mind sex is possible.
  20. Sympathy is a poor substitute for love. Never settle for sympathy.
  21. When instead of love money bridges two persons, it is prostitution.
  22. When you are in love with yourself you bloom. Love nourishes you.
  23. Sexuality is an act. Love is not an act; it is a state of beingit is vertical.
  24. Love is a natural kind of meditation. And meditation is a supernatural kind of love.
  25. If the relationship is fulfilling love, then good, उनको आफ्नो कुनै विचार छैन. If it is destroying love, there is no point in it.
  26. Self-love is not selfishness, self-love is unselfishness. In self-love the self disappears, only love remains.