प्रेम र विश्वास मा ओशो उद्धरण
- Only love creates trust.
- मन माया संग धेरै डराउछ. बिश्वास संग मन धेरै डराउछ.
- जब म माया भन्छु, जब म विश्वास भन्छु, मेरो मतलब मलाई मात्र माया गर्नु हैन, trust me only. That’s where religions have gone wrong. Be loving, be trusting to all without any discrimination. Your love, your trust has not to be a relationship with me, it has to be a state of your being that you are loving, that you are trusting; that whatever happens your loving and your trusting will remain the same… you may be deceived, you may be cheated.
- Love needs two things: it has to be rooted in freedom and it has to know the art of trust. If these two things are made available your life immediately starts blossoming as if suddenly spring has come.
- Love always trusts, or if it finds that the trust is not possible it simply moves in a friendly way; there is no conflict and fight. Sex creates jealousy; find, discover love. Don’t make sex the basic thing — it is not.
- Trust is certainly a higher value than love. In trust, love is implied; but in love, trust is not implied. When you say, “I trust in you, Osho” it is understood that you love. But when you say you love, trust has nothing to do with it. In fact your love is very suspicious, very untrusting, very much afraid, always on guard, watching the person you love. Lovers become almost detectives. They are spying on each other. Love is beautiful if it comes as a part of trust. And it always comes as a part of trust, because trust cannot be without love. But love cannot be without trust, and a love without trust is ugly; deep down it has all kinds of jealousies, suspicions, distrust.
- If there is no trust, separate — the sooner, the better — so you are not destroyed, so you are not damaged, so your capacity to love remains fresh and you can love somebody else. This is not the place, this is not the man, this is not the woman for you. Move, but don’t destroy each other. Life is very short and capacities are very delicate. They can be destroyed, and once damaged there is no possibility of repairing them.
- When you love a person you trust that he cannot go to anybody. If he goes, there is no love and nothing can be done. Love brings this understanding. There is no jealousy. So if jealousy is there, know well there is no love. You are playing a game, you are hiding sex behind love. Love is just a painted word, the reality is sex.
- There are two ways of discovery. One is meditation — without the other you search for the depth; another is love — with the other you search for the depth. He becomes a root to reach to yourself. The other creates a circle, and both lovers help each other. The deeper love goes, the deeper they feel they are; their inner-beings are revealed. But then there is no jealousy. Love cannot be jealous, यो असम्भव छ. Love is always trusting, and if something happens that breaks your trust you have to accept it; nothing can be done about it because whatsoever you do will destroy the other.
- On the path of love, trust is the most essential thing. On the path of meditation, you can move without trust. On the path of meditation you can move without surrender, but on the path of love, without surrender, without trust, there is no go because it is the very first door. Love demands so much. It demands almost the impossible, and on the first step. Love is easy but very demanding. That’s why even though the path is so easy, very few people travel it. The path of meditation is very difficult but not so demanding. That’s why the path is difficult and arduous, yet still, many people travel it
- Trust is not possible for a questioning mind. Immediately experience is there, the mind creates a question: किन? The flower is there — if you trust, you will feel a beauty, a blooming of beauty; but the mind says: किन? Why is this flower called beautiful? What is beauty? — you are going astray. You are in love, the mind asks: किन, what is love?
- Clinging to anything, anything whatsoever, shows distrust. If you love a woman or a man, and you cling, that simply shows that you don’t trust. If you love a woman and you say, ‘Tomorrow also, will you love me or not?’ you don’t trust. If you go to the court to get married, you don’t trust. Then you trust more in the court, in the police, in the law, than in love. You are preparing for tomorrow. If this woman or this man tries to deceive you tomorrow or leaves you in the ditch, you can get support from the court and the police, and the law will be with you and the whole society will support you. You are making arrangements, afraid. But if you really love, love is enough, पर्याप्त भन्दा बढी. Who bothers about tomorrow? But deep down there is doubt. Even while you think you are in love, doubt continues.
- You cannot trust, because trust means losing your controlling to somebody else’s hands. You cannot surrender, you cannot love, you cannot pray. Even people making love cannot surrender; they go on controlling deep down. Hence, the real peak is missed. They learn techniques of how to make love. They can become very efficient lovemakers, but love is missed — because it has nothing to do with you. Love happens only when you are not there. Love happens only when you are surrendered to existence. Then there is a great orgasmic experience. Then you reach to the very peak of your being.
- Beliefs are philosophical; trust has nothing to do with philosophy. Trust simply shows that you know what love is. It is not a concept of God who is sitting somewhere in heaven and manipulating and managing. Trust needs no God, the infinite life, this totality, is more than enough. Once you trust, तपाईं आराम गर्नुहोस्. That relaxation is surrender.
- Surrender is out of love, dependency is out of fear. Dependency is a relationship in which you are hankering for something, desiring something; there is a motive. You are ready to become dependent — that’s what you are willing to pay for something. Surrender has no desire in it. It is sheer joy, it is trust, it is unmotivated.
- When love and trust meet, their ultimate byproduct is surrender. You relax into the master, into his being, without holding anything. It is certainly only for those who are ready to take a risk.
- The master loves, his presence is love. His very presence is magnetic. Without saying a word… just to be close to him, you will feel a certain pull, a certain love, a trust.
- The relationship with the master is not of the same category as all other relationships. It is intrinsically different. पुरुष दिमागमा सकारात्मक गुण हुन्छ जुन उसले सोध्छ, but not only love. It is love with a center of trust. Love alone is unexplainable, and now it has joined hands with an even greater mystery. Trust is absolutely something of another world. In this world, there is distrust in everybody. Even in people who love each other, there is no trust. There are friends who can, if there is need, die for each other — but there is no trust.
- Love and trust certainly play a significant part in the relationship between the disciple and the master. But that is only a stepping stone. One has to go beyond it. Love is beautiful, but not enough. Trust is better, more grounded, more solid. Love is emotional: trust is intuitive. Emotions go on changing every moment — they are in a flux; you cannot rely upon them — but trust can become a great foundation. Love helps you to reach to the place where trust is possible. Without love, trust is not possible. Love is almost like a bridge which can collapse any moment but still it is a bridge. If you use it, it can take you to trust; without it, you cannot reach to trust directly. So love is a necessity, but love unto itself is not enough. Its use is as a means; the end is trust.
- Let this be the key for you, that love has to be lived each moment as totally as possible. It is not a question of relationship; it is a question of bringing a certain quality to your being — the quality of friendliness, the quality of compassion towards all that is, the quality of trust for all that is. The man of love is the man of trust, and the man of trust is the man of truth.
- People have become afraid of love; it is better to go to a prostitute than to have a beloved. It is better to have a wife than to have a beloved, because a wife is an institution. Your wife cannot hurt you more because you never loved her. It was arranged: your father and mother and the astrologer… everybody was involved except you. It is an arrangement, a social arrangement. Not much is involved. You take care of her, you arrange for her food and shelter. She takes care; she arranges the house, the food, she looks after the children — it is an arrangement, a business-like thing. Love is dangerous, it is not a business, यो कुनै सम्झौता होइन. You give power to the other person in love, COMPLETE power over you. The fear: the other is a stranger and who knows…? Whenever you trust anybody, fear grips.
- THE ORDINARY GOD is nothing but a projection of your fear. It is not love, it is not trust — because love knows nothing of fear, and trust knows nothing of fear. Just as light has never seen darkness, love and trust have never met fear But in all the languages of the world there are expressions like ‘godfearing’; the religious person is known as ‘godfearing’. That is sheer nonsense. A religious person cannot be godfearing, he can only be godloving. If he is godfearing he is not religious yet. How can you fear God?
- If in your childhood there was a deep milieu of love around you, you will become religious, trust will arise. You will trust, trust will become your natural quality. Ordinarily, you will not distrust anybody unless somebody tries hard to create distrust in you — only then will you distrust. But distrust will be exceptional. One man deceives you and tries hard to destroy your trust. Maybe trust in that man is destroyed, but you will not start distrusting the whole humanity. You will say, “This is one man, and there are millions of men. Just for one man, why distrust all?” But if the basic trust is lacking, and something has gone wrong between you and your mother, then distrust becomes your basic quality. Then ordinarily, naturally, you distrust. There is no need for anybody to prove. You distrust man, and then if somebody wants you to trust him he will have to work hard, very hard. And even then, you will trust him conditionally. And even then, that trust will not be very comprehensive. It will be very narrow; it will be arrowed at one person.
- Every man has a feminine part in his being, and every woman has a masculine part in her being. The only way to understand it, the easiest way to understand it, the most natural way to understand it is to be in deep, intimate relationship with someone. If you are a man be in a deep, intimate relationship with a woman. Let trust grow so all barriers dissolve. Come so close to each other that you can look deep into the woman and the woman can look deep into you. Don’t be dishonest with each other.
- Trust is not in someone, it is not a relationship. Trust is a quality in you. A man of trust… it does not mean in what he trusts, but he trusts; that is his innocence. Even if he is cheated because of his trust, that does not matter, because trust is more valuable than any small thing that he has been cheated of. You can take everything from him, but you cannot take his trust. Trust is your inner growth, your consciousness at its peak. Certainly your trust will come in contact with many people, but you will be trusting because trust in itself is such a joy, and distrust is such an agony, that you have chosen trust rather than distrust.
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