इन्फेरियरिटी कम्प्लेक्समा ओशो उद्धरण

इन्फेरियरिटी कम्प्लेक्समा ओशो उद्धरण

  1. To be special is against nature. प्रकृतिमा सबै कुरा जस्तै छ. कसैलाई पनि हिनता कम्प्लेक्सको महसुस हुँदैन, र कोही पनि कुनै उच्चता कम्प्लेक्सबाट पीडित छैन. The roses are beautiful because they don’t claim any superiority. There are thousands of flowers but there is no competition, everything is unique in its simplicity. They are not running a marathon race, competing with each other to come first; they are immensely satisfied as they are. In the whole animal kingdom — and all the trees, all the clouds, all the stars — nobody wants to be something else. Because even if you try to be something else, it will be only phony.
  2. People are neither of equal height nor are people of equal intelligence, nor are people of equal health, nor are people equally creative, nor are people equally capable of painting or sculpture or music or poetry. Everybody is unique, so the question of equality does not arise. The question of inferiority or superiority does not arise, because each individual is unique. There is no other like him with whom he can be compared as superior or inferior.
  3. Politics arises out of the inferiority complex — all power politics arises out of the inferiority complex.
  4. Who else wants to be a politician except stupid people, and who wants to be a priest except stupid people? These are the dimensions for the mediocre, for the inferior. Those who are suffering from an inferiority complex, they become politicians — just to prove that they are not inferior, to the world and to themselves.
  5. Politicians are the most immature minds in the world. Only third-rate minds become interested in politics; mediocre people and people who are suffering from an inferiority complex, they become politicians.
  6. People are living just to impress. They must be really very poor inside, because only people suffering from inferiority complex want to impress others. A really superior person never compares himself with anybody else. He knows he is incomparable; not only that, he knows others are also as incomparable as he is. He is neither superior nor inferior.
  7. The will to power and to dominate arises only in the sick mind. It arises out of the inferiority complex. People who are not suffering from an inferiority complex do not care about power; their whole endeavor is for peace, because the meaning of life can be known only in peace — power is not the way. शान्ति, तिमी उसलाई समात्न सक्दैनौ, कृतज्ञता, meditation — these are the basic constituents of religion.
  8. Not to claim for any extraordinariness is what extraordinariness is. And when you claim, when you claim you are superior, you are simply showing that you suffer from an inferiority complex.
  9. I want to tell you that everybody is born exceptional. There is no need to prove it. And those who prove, they simply prove that they are uncertain about their uniqueness. Try to understand it. Only inferior people, who have an idea of deep inferiority, try to prove themselves to be superior. Inferiority complex helps you to compete and prove so that you can prove you are superior. तर, basically, you are born unique — and there is no need to prove it.
  10. A leader is a political phenomenon, and all politicians — without any exception — suffer from an inferiority complex. And the people who suffer from an inferiority complex are bound to get into politics, into leadership, so that they can prove to themselves and to the world that they are not inferior, they are superior. But whatever power you can attain, it cannot destroy your inferiority. It has nothing to do with your inferiority; it is a projection to cover it up. Inferiority disappears only in deep meditative silence. Then you know such a uniqueness that you don’t want to be anybody else other than who you are. Just to be yourself is such a bliss. Who wants to be a leader?
  11. Meditation frees you from an inferiority complex. And except for meditation, nothing can make you free from an inferiority complex, no psychological analysis can help. At the most psychologists can help you to create another fiction — that is the superiority complex. But it is as stupid as the first one, in fact more stupid than the first one. The first one has some reality about it; the superiority complex is simply fiction, pure fiction. A meditator neither feels inferior nor superior, he simply feels he is no more, only the vast existence is, the whole space is. He becomes part of it, he is immersed in it, he becomes oceanic. And to feel that vastness is the greatest bliss in life. It is also freedom from fear, it is also the ultimate truth. So put all your energies into meditation, into awareness, so that you are able to look at yourself from the inside. Meditation is the mirror,,the real mirror which will give you your original face.
  12. The religious man has no inferiority complex. Only the religious man has no inferiority complex because he never compares, and without comparison you cannot be superior or inferior. So the religious man is neither superior nor inferior; he is simply himself. He accepts the way God has made him and he enjoys the way God has made him. He’s utterly happy. Just because he is, he is grateful. His every moment is one of gratitude. He does not want to become anybody else, he is utterly contented. He knows he is unique — neither inferior nor superior. He knows everybody is unique, because two persons are not alike.
  13. The whole nature is in deep peace for the simple reason that competition has not poisoned it. There is no competition at all. The biggest cedar of Lebanon has no ego about it, that “I am bigger than others.” Just a small rosebush has no inferiority complex that, “I am so small.” Nothing of superiority, nothing of inferiority, but each is unique. This stupidity has entered only human consciousness — human consciousness is being conditioned for it.
  14. Man suffers from a deep inferiority complex, and to keep it repressed he keeps the woman in every possible way inferior to himself; otherwise if she is allowed freedom, allowed all her talents, her genius, the great fear of man is that she can prove superior in many dimensions.
  15. We are continuously comparing ourselves either as being superior to others or as being inferior to others. Because of this nonsense of comparison we have created two complexes: the superiority complex and the inferiority complex. And everybody suffers from either the one or the other. It is very rare to find a person who is neither suffering from superiority complex nor from inferiority complex, who simply is whosoever he is, incomparably, uniquely himself.
  16. Who is the person who believes himself extraordinary? The person who suffers immensely from an inferiority complex. To cover it up, he projects just the opposite idea. But he is only deceiving himself, nobody else is deceived by him. The ordinary person has no need to be a hypocrite, no need to be a pretender. He is just open; he need not be secretive. And there is beauty in openness, simpleness. So it is a rare paradox that the person who feels himself ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the person who goes on feeling himself extraordinary, remains very retarded, a mediocrity.
  17. A politician is a mess. He is always striving to prove that he is somebody. That means that he must be suffering from inferiority complex. Every politician suffers from inferiority complex. In a better world they will not be in the capitals, they will be on the psychological couches. They should be put in madhouses. Mad people are not so dangerous; they have never done anything wrong.
  18. Psychologists have been watching the phenomenon for many years, that people who have a certain inferiority complex always become ambitious. वास्तबमा, nobody goes into politics unless he is deeply rooted in an inferiority complex. Politicians are basically inferiority complex people. They have to prove their superiority in some way, otherwise they will not be able to live with their inferiority complex.
  19. All inferior people go on trying to prove that they are something. All ambition arises out of an inferiority complex. It is very rare to come across a politician who is intelligent. It is very rare to come across a rich person who is intelligent, very, very difficult. Because an intelligent person, by his very intelligence, becomes noncompetitive. Intelligence is noncompetitive. Intelligence can see the whole absurdity of it. Intelligence can see “I am myself and there is no need to compare myself with anybody else. I am neither higher nor lower. Not that I am just like the others — I am different — but there is no higher and lower.” We are all different and unique human beings, but nobody is lower and nobody is higher — and the whole effort to become higher is stupid.
  20. Power is sought only by people who are feeling deep inside an inferiority complex. So don’t create an inferiority complex in anybody, and don’t feel yourself in any way inferior. All human beings are unique. I cannot say they are equal. That is my basic point against communism. Communism is absolutely an unpsychological philosophy. No two human beings are equal. Yes, every human being is unique. There is no need for equality; what is needed is uniqueness. Try to express your uniqueness, and help others to express their uniqueness. And destroy the inferiority complex first in yourself, then in your wife, then in your children, then in your neighbors, in your friends. And let this fire spread.
  21. It is just a titillation of the ego: you feel good, you feel superior. But a person who needs to be superior to feel good is a person who is carrying a volcano within him. A person who has to be superior to feel happy is suffering deep down from an inferiority complex. Only an inferior person thinks in terms of superiority. A real person, an authentic person. is neither superior nor inferior. He simply IS — unique; nobody is lower than him and nobody is higher than him. The whole existence is equal. The trees and the rocks, and the animals and the birds, and men and women, and God — all are sharing the whole existence on equal terms. The moment you see this tremendous equality, this oneness, you are joyful. And then your joy has no cause. it is uncaused.