Osho on Renounciation. My sannyas is a tremendous love affair with life

OshoMy sannyasin has to be a song of bliss. My sannyasin is not entering into a sad, monastic life; on the contrary he is entering into a life of rejoincing. God is not against life so there is no need to renounce life to attain God; in fact to renounce life is to renounce God forever. Those who renounce life will never find God anywhere because he is always here and now. He is in the thick of life, in its colors, in its days and in its nights.

God is nothing but the name of the totality, that which is. Renouncing life is going against God. Renouncing life will make you more egoistic. The ego is always sad: it has a long face, it is very serious. It is never joyful, it has no sense of humor. It cannot laugh, it cannot dance, it cannot sing, it cannot love, it cannot live. It is suicidal, it wants to die. Slowly slowly it commits suicide. That’s what has been done down the ages by the escapists who renounced life and went to the monasteries or into the caves. I am against renounciation. My sannyas is a tremendous love affair with life. So become a song of bliss, a dance of bliss, a celebration.

My sannyasin has to be a song of bliss. My sannyasin is not entering into a sad, monastic life; on thecontrary he is entering into a life of rejoincing. God is not against life so there is no need to renounce life toattain God; in fact to renounce life is to renounce God forever. Those who renounce life will never find Godanywhere because he is always here and now. He is in the thick of life, in its colors, in its days and in itsnights.God is nothing but the name of the totality, that which is.

Renouncing life is going against God.Renouncing life will make you more egoistic. The ego is always sad: it has a long face, it is very serious. Itis never joyful, it has no sense of humor. It cannot laugh, it cannot dance, it cannot sing, it cannot love, itcannot live. It is suicidal, it wants to die. Slowly slowly it commits suicide. That’s what has been done downthe ages by the escapists who renounced life and went to the monasteries or into the caves.I am against renounciation. Ma sannyas is a tremendous love affair with life. So become a song of bliss,a dance of bliss, a celebration.

SourceOsho BookScriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones