र भगवान बिना मानवता बर्बाद छ

र भगवान बिना मानवता बर्बाद छ

  1. Be relaxed. And when you are utterly relaxed, in that restfulness become a witness and the spring is always there, ready to surround you from all directions.
  2. Rest is the way to belong to god
    And if one knows the art of restfulness
    One can act and yet be in rest.
  3. Even in the motion, the action, the gesture of a buddha, there is a certain restfulness. That restfulness brings a grace to it, a beauty to it.
  4. Two different fingers, coming from two different angles, can point to the same moon. The mind may find it difficult. In fact the Zen master’s whole work is to make things so difficult for the mind that you become tired of the mind, tired of thinking, and you put it aside. And that moment of restfulness, when you have put the mind aside, brings you to the door of existence
  5. When the outer world starts looking illusory, you have come to the center point of your being. There is the answer. The answer is in your experience of utter restfulness.
  6. Meditation simply means no-thought, no-mind. It happens through watching your thought process, not by chanting a mantrabecause a mantra is a thought, a seed-thought; not through prayer, because prayer is again thinking, talking, शब्दहरु, language. One has to go beyond language, beyond words. One has to relax so totally that there is no tensionphysical or psychological. In that silence, in that restfulness, one comes to one’s very source, to one’s very roots. And from there is the mutation, the transformation. From there arises a new quality to your life which is divine. God is not somebody outside, it is a quality, a fragrance. It is around the meditator. The meditator is like a flower which has opened, and godliness is a fragrance that surrounds the meditator.
  7. Meditation is not a tension, it is not a strain. One is never tired of meditation. It is relaxationhow you can be tired of it? It is deep rest, it is utter restfulness. One is available to everything; nothing can distract you.
  8. Zazen means just sitting doing nothing. The first thing to do is learn sitting, a deep restfulness. Become a pool of rest, not even ripples of desire, going nowhere, no ambitionnot even for God, not even for nirvana. SITnot only physicallypsychologically, spiritually too. Learn to sit; that is zazen. And RESTand fall into a deep rest, so the breathing becomes natural, the body becomes cool, all the fever of constant desire and turmoil disappears, evaporates. And then, WORK. That work will have a totally different quality. It won’t be out of desire; it will be creativity. It will be because you have so much energy available that you would like to share your energy with the world, that you would like to create something, that you would like to make the world a little more beautiful, a little more blissful, a little more human.
  9. Once you live consciously, every act starts taking on a different quality: the quality of relaxedness, restfulness. A religious man can be religious twenty-four hours a day. हुन्छ, even in bed, even while making love to his wife he will be religious. His lovemaking will be of the same category as his prayer, his worship, his meditation.
  10. Remember it, that the first step and the last step are the most difficultthe journey itself is not difficult. The first step is difficult because you are moving into the unknownall kinds of fear and phobiaand the last step because you feel at rest: “I have arrived. Why not rest a little after such a long journey?” No, one step more, then there is restfulness and peace and relaxation forever.
  11. One should learn restfulness. And in these small things, the hara stays closed.
  12. Woman is stagnant. Man is dynamic. That’s why you see women looking so restful and men looking so restless. Even when you were a child, just a small child, a baby, the difference was there. The boy baby is very restless, is trying to grab this, grab that, trying to reach somewhere; he is a nuisance. And the girl baby is never a nuisance; she sits silently hugging her doll. She is also a doll. A tremendous restfulnessThe principle of rest is woman and the principle of restlessness is man, hence the roundness and the beauty of woman and the constant feverish state of man.