osho quotes and sayings

osho quotes and sayings

  1. The eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven. You say that in heaven love is pure and eternallove can be pure and eternal here and now, there is no need to wait for heaven. Wherever love is, it is eternal and pure, because for love, time does not exist.
  2. Life is dangerous, but that is the beauty of itit is insecure, because insecurity is the very nature of movement, aliveness, vitality. The more dead you are, the more secure. When you are in your grave there will be no danger. What can happen to you anymore? Nothing! Nobody can harm you when you are dead. But when you are alive, you are vulnerable, you can be harmed. But I tell you, that is the beauty of life.
  3. Jesus says ‘Love God. Love your neighbour like yourself’. That is the basic thing. If you love yourself then you can love your neighbour and then you can love your God. But the basic commandment is: Love yourself.
  4. Mind always wants to create trouble because then it remains important; when there is not trouble, it becomes unimportant.
  5. A creative act enhances the beauty of the world; it gives something to the world, it never takes anything from it. A creative person comes into the world, enhances the beauty of the worlda song here, a painting there. He makes the world dance better, enjoy better, love better, meditate better. When he leaves this world, he leaves a better world behind him. Nobody may know him; somebody may know himthat is not the point. But he leaves the world a better world, tremendously fulfilled because his life has been of some intrinsic value.
  6. Let this watchfulness be spread all over your life. In the morning, from the first moment you become aware that you are awake, start watching. To the last moment at night go on watching and watching till you fall asleep. And one day it happens that you fall asleep and still watching continues; and that is a miracle. Then you know that you are not the body at allthe body can go to sleep and you can go on watching, that even in sleep you are no more asleep.
  7. Man attains his soul only when his sexuality is absolutely transformed into prayer. Man is a ladder, Agama, and unless you are growing towards heights and depths, unless you are growing every moment towards the Everest of self-realization, you are not a man. You are missing the opportunity, you are missing the challenge; you are not accepting the adventure, you are hidingyou are a coward. A man has to be ready, always ready each moment to go on the voyage to the unknown and the unknowable. He has to be ready, always ready for the call of the eternal, for the call of the uncharted. Man is a pilgrimage from the animal to God.
  8. Sufis say that only God knows because God is the inside of all. God is not a person but just the inside of everythinginside me, तिमी भित्र, inside the rock inside the flowerinside the whole existence.
  9. Life has no purpose, Phiroze. Nothing has any purpose; that’s the beauty of life. The moment you bring purpose in you destroy the beauty. Love has no purpose and meditation certainly is absolutely beyond the idea of purpose. There is no end beyond it, it has intrinsic value. It is not a means to some end, it is an end unto itself.
  10. Life is bumping into you, new every moment. But because of the tendency and the constant hankering of the mind to explain everything, you bring explanations which are all hocus-pocus abracadabramagic formulas which explain nothing really, but give you a sense of assurance.
  11. Indian music is totally different. One has to annihilate oneself completely so that one becomes just an instrument in the hands of God and He plays. You become just a passage, a vehicle, a hollow bamboo flute.
  12. Love is like Godyou cannot manipulate it. It happens when it happens. If it is not happening, there is nothing to be worried about. Don’t make it an ego-trip that somehow you have to make it. That is also there in the western mind; The man thinks he has to manage somehow. If he is not managing, he is not manly enough.