ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

  1. Remember it always: the deeper your laughter, the deeper will become your prayer. If you can dance, you have entered the shrine, you have come close to God. Yes, dancing is the only way to reach the divine.
  2. If you are not the body, how can you be a man or a woman? If you are not the body, how can you be white or black? If you are not even the mind, how can you be Christian or Hindu? If you are only awareness, then you are only awareness and nothing else.
  3. I am being blamed all over the world, in articles, that I am a nonserious man. They think they are condemning meit is a compliment. They don’t understand that, मेरो लागी, तिनीहरूले हर्षोल्लासलाई नष्ट गरेका छन् is sickness. And to be nonserious, to be playful, to take everything as fun is, according to me, the only authentic religiousness.
  4. Look at trees, the birds, the animals, उहाँ प्रकृतिको अंश हुनुहुन्थ्यो. There seems to be tremendous joy. Life is not serious. Life is very, very playful.
  5. The function of the master is to help you to find out what your real work is, what your type is. If you cannot find out, take the help of a master. Take the help of the master to find out what exactly is meditation and love. He will show you the path, but then you have to follow and you have to follow totally. You cannot follow it in fragments, in parts; you have to go utterly into it. Then transformation is possible instantly. In a single moment one can become a buddha or a christ. र याद गर्नुहोस्, it is only you who can do this miracle, nobody else can do it for you.
  6. Love can exist only after meditation, not before it.
  7. I am immensely thankful to every person who has come to me to share my joy, to share my being, to be part of my celebration.
  8. REMEMBER remain alert that you don t get too much attached to the accidentaland all is accidental except your consciousness. Except your awareness, all is accidental. Pain and pleasure, success and failure, fame and defamationall is accidental. Only your witnessing consciousness is essential. Stick to it! Get more and more rooted in it. And don’t spread your attachment to worldly things.
  9. Life is not the end, it is just a discipline to learn the art of dying. But you are afraid, you are scared, at the very word death you start trembling. That means you have not yet known life, because life never dies. Life cannot die.
  10. Go on a morning walk and still remember that you are not it You are not the walker but the watcher And slowly slowly you will have the taste of itit is a taste, it comes slowly. And it is the most delicate phenomenon in the world; you cannot get it in a hurry. Patience is needed. Eat, taste the food, and still remember that you are the watcher. In the beginning it will create a little trouble in you because you have not done these two things together. In the beginning, I know, if you start watching you will feel like stopping eating, or if you start eating you will forget watching.
  11. Meditation opens the door of all the mysteries of existence, of all the secrets of existence. Meditation is the master key which opens all the locks, and existence becomes an open book for you.
  12. You have to approach truth through fearlessness, but if you are hiding your fear behind religiousness then it will be very difficult to shatter it. You are greedy, miserly, but you go on saying that you live a very simple life. If you are hiding behind the rationalization of simplicity, then it is very difficult to see that you are a miser.
  13. You are gods in exile. Only by witnessing will you remember who you are. Then all misery disappears, all poverty disappears. You are the very kingdom of God.
  14. Delight, मजा लिनुहोस्. God is not a thing, it is an attitude, an attitude of celebration and festivity. Drop sadness. He is so close by; dance! Drop long faces, it is sacrilegebecause He is so close by. Forget your childish miseries and worries; He is so close by. Don’t go on brooding about immaterial things; He is so close by. Allow Him to hold your hand. He has been waiting for you for long.
  15. To cling to a thing is to cling to something which is below you. And if you go on clinging to things which are below you, how can you soar high? It is as if you are clinging to rocks and trying to fly in the sky. Or you are carrying rocks on the head and trying to climb Everest. You have to throw them. You have to throw those rocks. You will have to unburden yourself.