ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

  1. Power never corrupts anybody, but only corrupted people are attracted towards power. And when they have power, then of course they use it for all their desires and passions.
  2. Do whatsoever you feel you enjoy, and enjoy it totally. In those few moments, the past and future will disappear and you will be herenow. And those moments will bring the first good news, the first gospel of god.
  3. Goals have been given to you, and because of those goals and those perfectionist ideals you remain condemned and crushed. How can you receive the message that God is within you, that you are already home, that you have never left it in the first place, that all is okay as it is? Just relax and it is yours. Not that you have to search and seek, but just relax into it and it is yours.
  4. When the mind has come to a stop and is no longer interested in attaining anything, then it attains buddhahood. When the mind has come to a full stop and is not going anywhere, it starts going inwards, it starts falling into one’s own being, that abyssmal abyss. Full emptiness is attained by a non-attainmentness. So don’t become achievers, don’t start thinking in terms of achievementthat you have to achieve this and that, that you have to attain God. These are games; the mind is again deceiving you. The name of the game changes but the game, the subtle game, remains the same.
  5. Not for a single moment be suspicious about your buddhahood. Your buddhahood is your nature, act accordingly. The more you act accordingly, the more is the possibility of a growing trust in your being a buddha. The more intelligent can instantly pass through the transformation. The old self dies away, and a totally fresh new being is borninnocent, pure.
  6. Death is beautiful, as beautiful as lifeif you just know how to communicate with death. It is beautiful because it is relaxation. It is beautiful because the person has fallen back into the source of existenceto relax, to rest, to be ready to come back again.
  7. Talking to you, I feel nourished. After talking to you I feel more energy than everbecause it is my love. I enjoy it! It is not work. You can get tired if you are working. If you are playing, how can you get tired? Nobody has ever heard that people get tired by playing
  8. प्रकृति मा ओशो उद्धरण, anything new coming in your life is a message from God. If you accept it you are religious. If you reject it you are irreligious. Man needs just to relax a little more to accept the new; to open up a little more to let the new in. Give way to God entering you.
  9. A doubting mind cannot relax. A doubting mind cannot surrender. A doubting mind can never be total; a part goes on fighting, a part goes on saying no. A doubting mind cannot say an absolute yes, and that is the fundamental of becoming a streamwinnerto say yes to life, to say yes unconditionally, to say yes simply, with your whole being. That is prayer enough. If you can simply sit silently and can say yes to existence, enoughnothing more is needed, no ritual.
  10. Somebody insults you. It is very easy to be hurt. It is mechanical; you are not needed for it; no intelligence is needed for it. It is very easy to get into a rage, उदासी र गम्भीरता रोगविज्ञान हो, fire. No intelligence is needed for it. Even animals do it, so nothing is special in it. Do something special. Remain calm and quiet and collected. आराम गर्नुहोस्, watch inside that the mechanical thing does not possess you. Become a little loose from your mechanical habits and your benefit will be tremendous. You will start becoming more and more aware.
  11. Life destroys nobody, but if you fight with it you will be destroyed by your own violence. Life is not against you. How can it be? Life is your mother. It is life that has brought you here. You are born out of it. You are a ray of its light, a wave of its ocean. You are intrinsic and organic to it, you are not separate. But if you start fighting your own source of energy, you will be destroyed. Your very concept of fight will poison you. And of course, the more you feel that you are losing the battle, the harder you will fight. The harder you fight, the more frustrated you become.
  12. The religious person is one who wants to be in such a deep harmony that there is no question of conflict. He is seeking love. He is seeking a love affair with the universe. He never asks about power. He asks how to lose separation, how to merge. He asks, ‘How to be in such a total surrender that I don’t move in any way against the whole or separate from the whole, so that I can move with the river of life. And wherever the river of life goes, I can go with it’.
  13. The ego is just hoya, a misunderstanding. It is non-existentialyet the dirtiest thing possible. The very idea that ‘I am separate from existence’, is dirty. The very idea that ‘I have to fight with my own energy source’, is foolish and absurd.
  14. God is not a person, it is a deep experience when you are not doing anything and existence simply flows in youthe immensity of it, the beautitude of it, the grace of it. You are not doing anything, you are not even expecting anything, you are not waiting for anything. You have no motive. You are just there like a tree standing in the winds, or like a rock just silently sitting by the side of a river. Or like a cloud perched on the hilltopjust there, no movement of your own. In that moment you are not a self, in that moment you are a no-self. In that moment you are not a mind, you are a no-mind. In that moment you don’t have a center. In that moment you are immensevastness with no boundariessuddenly the contact. Suddenly it is there! Suddenly you are fulfilled, suddenly you are surrounded by some unknown presence. It is tremendous.