ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

ओशो उद्धरण र भनाइहरू

  1. I would like you to be known as separate from the crowds, not by your clothes not by anything outer, but just by your very beingyour silence, your peace, your love, your eyes. Every gesture of you should declare that you are a sannyasin.
  2. Man has to be completely released from all kinds of inhibitions and repressions, and love will become a very silent and cool affair.
  3. Meditation is only a technique to reach to the ecstatic state, to the state of divine intoxication. It is a simple technique, but the mind makes it very complex. Mind has to make it very complex and difficult, because both cannot exist together. Meditation is the death of the mind. Naturally, mind resists every effort for meditation.
  4. A conscious man awakened can help millions of people to move towards the source of joy, real and authentic life, to pure love which knows nothing of hate, which knows nothing of jealousy, which has nothing to do with body and biologywhich is just a spiritual communion, a feeling of deep compassion for your innermost being.
  5. The day you can start finding me wherever you are is the greatest day of your life.
  6. Look for the mysterious in life. Wherever you lookin the white clouds, in the stars in the night, in the flowers, in a flowing riverwherever you look, look for the mystery. And whenever you find that a mystery is there, meditate on it. Meditation means: dissolve yourself before that mystery, annihilate yourself before that mystery, disperse yourself before that mystery. Be no more, and let the mystery be so total that you are absorbed in it.
  7. Society cannot allow ecstasy. Ecstasy is the greatest revolution. I repeat it: ecstasy is the greatest revolution. If people become ecstatic the whole society will have to change, because this society is based on misery. If people are blissful you cannot lead them to warto Vietnam, or to Egypt, or to Israel. No. Someone who is blissful will just laugh and say: This is nonsense!
  8. Consciousness is the bridge, the golden bridge, from this world to the other, from hell to heaven, from the ego to the divine.
  9. Whenever you are here and now, bliss happens.
  10. Celebrate. Wherever you feel that life is growing, celebrate it, love it, welcome it, and a great transformation will happen to you If life is revered in all its forms, you become more alive. You become more receptive to life, and life begins to flow abundantly in you; it overflows in you. That is what bliss is: life over flowing.
  11. Don’t disturb anyone. Remain more and more silent. Don’t read, don’t talk, don’t use the mind much. It is better to use the body more and the mind less. Remain concerned with only one thing: that you have come here for meditation.