- Sannyas is celebration of life.
- 一瞬一瞬をお祝いに.
- 神を悲しみではなくお祝いにしましょう.
- 人生はそれをお祝いにすることができる人のものです.
- 人生がお祝いにならない限り, it is not life at all.
- One needs a little courage to make life a celebration.
- Celebration is gratefulness for whatsoever life gives to you.
- Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.
- With a mind burdened by memory life cannot be a celebration.
- Celebration is the greatest prayer, the highest peak of meditation.
- Death becomes the ultimate celebration if your life is a celebration.
- Let it be prayerful. Let it be a celebration. Only celebration is sacred.
- Celebration means: whatsoever happens is irrelevant — I will celebrate.
- When your life is a celebration, you cannot believe that it is a punishment.
- Unless your life becomes a celebration, you have not lived it to its totality.
- At the very end of your celebration, there is nothing but tears of gratitude.
- Clinging can never become a celebration. Clinging is ugly, clinging is violent.
- Life is so small, so short, so momentary. If we can sing a little song, もういい.
- What is a life if you don’t have any celebration in it? What is a life? It will be a desert.
- God is nothing but life in its true colors, life in its true music, life in its true celebration.
- To rejoice in life is sannyas. My sannyas is not renunciation: it is rejoicing, it is celebration.
- Celebrate life, rejoice in life. Don’t be bothered about what others say; that is their business.
- Laughter shows a deep acceptance, laughter shows a celebration, laughter shows that life is good.
- If you want to enter into my temple then it has to be not celibacy but celebration, not a fast but a feast.
- Words are weighty, words gravitate towards the earth. Forget all about words and let the celebration be.
- All time gone is gone. It could have been a deep celebration of God. You wasted it — for nothings, for dreams.
- Once celebration penetrates your being it continues. Then there is no holiday, the whole of life is a celebration.
- Life is not logic, life is not philosophy. Life is a dance, 歌, 誰かが死にかけているとき、彼の死は非常に! It is more like love and less like logic.
- I am teaching you a life-affirmative religiousness, a life of dance, 喜び, 美しさ, creativity, 感度, celebration.
- Don’t invest in misery; invest in celebration. You take one step towards life and life takes one thousand towards you.
- Celebration is the bridge. When you dance, it is not only you who is dancing; the whole existence is dancing with you.
- Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, the eternal. Only in celebration do we go beyond the circle of birth and death.
- Life is eternal, celebration continues. Actors change but the drama continues. Waves change but the ocean continues.
- I am utterly against ascetic practices because those practices are against life. I am all for life. I am all for God. God is a celebration.
- When you cry and weep, when you are miserable, あなたが一人でいる. When you celebrate, the whole existence participates with you.
- I teach you nothing but celebration. Just remember only one thing: your celebration should not be harmful to anybody else, それだけです.
- シードに与えられたセキュリティの放棄, rejoicing, because I know that is the door closest to your ultimate awakening. A man full of joy is close to existence.
- あなたの悟りは、沈黙が祝祭になったときにのみ完璧です. したがって、瞑想した後は祝う必要があるという私の主張.
- Celebration has to be total, only then can you be multidimensionally rich. And to be multidimensionally rich is the only thing we can offer to God.
- A buddha is celebration, a buddha is a festival, an ongoing festivity, a dance that goes on and on, that knows no ending, a song that continues forever.
- 瞑想する, 愛, ダンス, 歌う, celebrate here with me, and the ugliness will disappear. Bring something higher into yourself, and the lower will be forgotten.
- I teach you a life of joy, celebration, delight. I don’t teach you long faces. The days of the sad saint are no more. The future belongs to the laughing saints.
- Life can become a celebration if you know how to live without concern. Otherwise life becomes a long prolonged disease and illness which culminates only in death.
- This is the basic art of life — how to change misery into celebration, how to change a curse into a blessing, how to use suffering to grow, how to use pain to be reborn.
- Unless life is a celebration you have lived in vain. Unless life turns into a Gautam Buddha you have been wasting a tremendous opportunity given to you by existence.
- A celebration, moment-to-moment a dance. And unless you have transformed your life into a moment-to-moment dance you have missed the opportunity that existence gives you.
- Delight, 楽しい. God is not a thing, it is an attitude, an attitude of celebration and festivity. Drop sadness. He is so close by; ダンス! Drop long faces, it is sacrilege — because He is so close by.
- Since eternity, existence has been in celebration. The dance continues, it is an ongoing process, 連続体. It is a river flowing and flowing and flowing. Sitting on the bank — what are you doing?
- A life of celebration, a life of renouncement in the world, living and yet aloof; because when you know something is a dream you can enjoy it with no guilt, and you can move away from it with no problem.
- My sannyasins celebrate everything. Celebration is the foundation of my sannyas — not renunciation but rejoicing; rejoicing in all the beauties, all the joys, all that life offers, because this whole life is a gift of God.
- When there is some desire, how can you celebrate Because of the desire you are poor. How can one celebrate when one is poor ? Celebration is overflowing energy; it is possible only when one is immensely rich. Meditation makes your inner treasure available to you.
- Remember that angels represent all this: the totality of life, innocence of life, celebration of life. And then immediately you are also connected with the divine, you are no more disconnected. You don’t feel alien. You are no more an outsider, you become an insider. Then existence belongs to you and you belong to existence.